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Previous Updates


April 29- As you can see, I redid the buttons, and added in a couple more.  Um, have redone some of the pix, since I got Paint Shop Pro recently.  (It’s a really good grafix program!)  Not much else I can think of.  Any suggestions for the site? LMK.


April 21- I now have 22 affiliates, and am still looking for more.  Also, if someone knows how to do a banner xchange, LMK.  Not much will be done in the next two weeks, ‘cause of Finals Week.  So, you’re stuck with what I’ve got for right now.


April 11- I know, haven’t done much updating for a while, but life kinda got in the way.  Um, have an affiliate, for which I am happy, and some more awards.  Now, would SOMEONE PLEASE sign up for my clubs or the SOTW award????


Mar. 21-Have some more manipulated pix, which will be up when angelfire gives me more room.  Until then, my hands are tied.


Mar. 6- New Sections!  Now you can sign up for the site of the week award, due to begin next Monday for this week.  Also, you can sign up for Willow Wiccans, Spike Slaves, or both.


Feb. 29- Well, I got my first award! (Thank you, Marie!) Hmm, should have the links separated to just this page, not connecting to my other page, soon.


Feb. 24- Okay, by now, I’ve got them all working except for WIKT and WT?, since these mini-essays’ll take a lil bit o’ time. Just check out the areas, and let me know whatcha think.


Feb 24- Okay, you can go nominate yourself for various awards here, as well as put in a link to your website here. Have the following areas working: Awards, Fanfic, Links, Manipulated Pix, Pic Galleries, Polls, and Webrings. However, until I can organize it, the only link working in fanfic is the one that links back to my fanfic archive. Ditto for the linx and webrings. Sorry, but, I’m doin’ it all as fast as I can. Should have the following areas up within the week: Awards Won, Banners, Why I Like Them, and Why Them?.


Feb. 23- Welcome to my new ‘Shipper site, formerly known as ‘Buffy, Vampire Slayer Extraordinare’. As soon as possible, I will have the linx working. Oh, and the first additions to the awards won cabinet are from when this was the BVSE site. Also, as with the fanfic, if you have any manipulated pix, especially W/S or W/? or S/?, send them in. You’ll definitely get credit.


