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Krysanthemum's Home Patch

Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen, to MY HOMEPAGE! Are we all excited?

Well, this is where we begin, as you delve into my inner psyche, such as it is. Below is a list of links to various parts of my life. Knock yourself out.

All about Krysanthemum (i.e. ME!!)

Picture of me

My top 10 favourite movies of all time

My Contact Worship page

My Interview with the Vampire Page

My City of Angels Page

My The Mummy Historical Page

My recent attempts at B&W photography (be warned!)

Links to my friends' homepages

Sign My Guestbook

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This is Sebastian the Leaf

I know I'm insane, but I adopted a leaf! You can too! Just click on Sebastian, but do it gently. He's very sensitive!!

You can E-mail me at: Do it now!!!