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1754 Land Deed of Nicolas Ory

(NOTE : All misspellings and punctuation contained in this copied document are as appears on the original land deed. Copies are available upon request.)

Kevin D. Ory Dec. 1997

Thanks to John King for finding the record and to Glenn Ory for passing it on to me.

At the Request of Nicolas Owrey the following Deed was Recorded November the Twenty third Day In the Year of Our Lord Seventeen hundred and fifty-four To wit: This Indenture made the Nineteenth day of Novr. In the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred & fifty four Between Mr. William Digges Junr. Of Prince Georges County in the Province of Maryland Gentlemen. Of the one part & Nicolas Owrey of Fredreick County in the province aforesaid Farmer of the Other part Wittnesseth That the Said William Digges for & in consideration of the Sum of Seven Pounds Sterling To him in hand by the Said Nicolas Owrey the receipt Whereof is hereby Acknowledg'd. Hath given Grant'd. Bargain'd. Sold Allien'd. Enfeaef'd. Confirm'd And Made over and by these presents Doth give grant Bargain Sell Alien Enfeof Confirm and makeover unto the Said Nicolas Owrey his Heirs & Assigns for Ever one Hundred acres of Land lying & being in Frederick County being part of a resurvey Obtained on a tract of Land Called Digges Lott Lying on The West Side of Monococy Beginning att the End of Thee Tenth line of the Oregenill running Thence East Eighty perches Then South fifty five Degs. East one hundred & forty perches Then North Seventeed Degrees West Sixty Seven perches Then North Sixty Twenty Three Degrees West Seventy Six perches Then North Eighty four Degs. East forty Seven perches Then South five Degrees East Thirty Two perches Then South Thirty Degs. West Sixty four perches Then with a Straight line To the Beginning To contain one hundred acres more or Less with all profitts Advantages & appurtenances There to belonging or in any Maner of Way appertaining To have & To Hold The Said Hundred acres of Land & premises with The appurtenances unto him The Said Nicolas Owrey his Heirs & Assigns for Ever To his & their own Use & no other Use Intent or purpose Whatsoever & The Siad William Digges for himself & his Heirs Doth Covenant & agree To & with The Said Nicolas his Heirs & Assigns That he The Said William Digges his Heirs Executors & Admrs. The Said hundred Acres of Land & premises To the Said Nicolas Owrey his Heirs and against all other persons Whatsoever Claiming from by or under him The Said William his Heirs or Assigns Shall & will Warrant forever Defend & Lastly the Said William Digges his fir himself and his Heirs doth Covenant & agree To & with The Said Nicolas Owrey his Heirs & Assigns That at nay Time here after The Said William Digges & his Heirs Shall & will Make Do Execute & perform any further act Deed or Instrument of Wrighting for The better Securing & more firm Making over The land and premises unto the Said Nicolas Owrey his Heirs & Assigns for Ever provided always That Such further Act Deed or Instrument of Wrighting Contain No Other Warranties Then is here in already Exprest In Testimony Whereof The Said William Digges hath here unto Sett his hand & affix'd. His Seal The Day & year first Avbove Written - William Digges Junr. (Seal) Sign'd. Sealed. & Deliver'd. In the presents of J. Hepburn - Stephen West On the Back of Which Deed was thus Indorsed To wit 1754 Novr. 19th. Recd. Of Nicolas Owrey Seven pounds Sterling being the Consideration Money with Mention'd. I say Rercd. P me

William Digges Junr.

J Hepburn - Stephen West (witnesses)


1754 November 19th.

Then Came The Within Named William Digges Junr. Before the Subscriber one of the Justices of the Provi. Court of Maryland & acknowledged The within Deed to be his Act and Deed The Tract or parcel of Land Therein contain'd. To be The right Estate of The Within Named Nicolas Owrey his heirs & assigns according To the Act of Assembly in Such Cases Made and provided & at the same tome Came Eleanor Digges Wife of the Said William Who being privately Examd. Out of the hearing of her Said Husband declar'd. That She Freely & Vollentary Relinquished her right of Dowes in the Within Hundred acres of Land without being Industd. Thereto by her Said Husband or fear of his Displeasure J Hepburn 23 Novermber 1754 Received from Nicolas Owrey four Shillings Sterling as an Alienation Fine n the within mentioned One hundred Acres of Land by order of Edward Loyd Esqr. Agent of the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary of Maryland

P Jno Davnall


1752-1756, LIBER E, Page 608

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