Journey For Justice Diary

On the road again!

Day One

Hello, Friends of Freedom...

I had a bit of trouble getting off the Keys Tuesday, but I’m on the road now.

I left Key West on the 5:45 Grayhound and arrived in Miami 10:30 last night, a little worse for having eaten at Burger King in Islamagordo.

Michael Marco, Independent Photographer of High Times Fame, accompanied me to the Miami VA to see Joe Hart, my friend, my host, and a true warrior. He’s holding his own, although radiation is doing its number on him. He knows the trip is necessary and I will call him every day I’m gone: He is my inspiration.

Mike dropped me at Joan Bello’s near midnight. I tried to sneak past her guarddog, Sandy, but unfortunately she was on duty. So, after waking the household, we all finally got to sleep.

Early this morning, Wednesday, Joan and I headed for Melbourne and the CAMM meeting, where I met up with my support team, Jodi James and the two loudest Floridians I know, Kevin Aplin, and Scott Bledsoe.

When I finish this page, Kevin, Scott and I will head for a safe home just 3 miles from Starke, where we will prepare our signs, talk over strategy, and get some much needed rest.

Thursday before noon, we plan to go on a trial run with a small demonstration at Starke. If we encounter any problems, it will give attornies all day Friday to iron out the wrinkles, before visiting hours on Saturday morning.

If this investigation does not result in honest reform;

If the investigators leave and the media goes home;

If the guards are not brought up on murder charges;

The system will feel more invincible. Then the abuse will begin in earnest.

Keep us in your prayers.

Kay Grandma Lee

*Back to Journey to Starke*