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Piece By Piece....

Xena JigSaw Puzzle

The jigsaw will start with the picture broken up into pieces. If the mouse is moved over a piece, a highlight should be seen. It is then possible to move the piece by pressing the left mouse button and holding it down while "dragging" the selected piece. Pieces that are NOT placed fully inside the picture building area can

be shuffled around by clicking on the "Tidy" button. This makes it easier to "Sort" through playing pieces that are not placed inside the building area.

The "Breakup" button does exactly that and breaks up the puzzle.

The "solve" button can be used to solve the puzzle. When the puzzle is correctly solved, a message will appear on the top line. If this does not appear and the puzzle "seems" to be solved, it is usually because a piece is in the wrong place or is rotated into the wrong position.

It is possible to "lose" pieces under other jigsaw pieces (just like real life eh?). If this happens you should move the visible pieces one at a time to try and find the lost piece.

Each time the jigsaw applet is started (not when you use the breakup button) the jigsaw will be cut up randomly. This means that the pieces may be cut differently each time. This page requires Java 1.1 or higher enabled browser to be viewed.

Many thanks to Steve White for providing the JavaScript for this page.

Hercules and Xena Banner Exchange
Hercules and Xena Banner Exchange