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Xena and Gabrielle escaped the cavern after discovering another crevice leading outside. Gabrielle had scoured the room before they left, seeking any reference on how they could destroy this creature, but there had been none, except for a vague reference about the chosen controlled by touch. They didn’t know what that meant, but tucked the detail away in case they needed it. The tablets, otherwise, had been curiously empty of information regarding that.

They discovered the head of a gently descending path, unlike the one they had faced earlier. Together, they walked on their downward trek, arriving on the canyon floor. The path disappeared into a rocky sweep of landscape, unlike anything Xena and Gabrielle had ever seen before. The utter barrenness glared starkly in their eyes.

“What is this place?” Gabrielle whispered hesitantly.

“It looks like a wasteland.”

“Yes, it does. But we will probably find out more over there.” Xena pointed out a squat fortress tucked against the canyon wall.

They climbed over piles of rock until they lay looking down on the foreboding structure. It resembled a large, sprawling tomb. Gabrielle tipped her head towards Xena and asked impudently, “Do you want to pull the gate bell, or should I?”

They made their way inside by using the hill the fortress was carved into. Scaling up above it, Xena and Gabrielle located a suitable place and dropped down onto one of the low, flat roofs. Prowling the hallways, they were careful to avoid the servants bustling around at work, opening doors and searching for the place where their beloved Eve was being kept.

Half a candle later, they still hadn’t found any trace of her, even after looking everywhere from the dungeon to the scullery. There was only one place left to look.

“The throne room.” they both said in unison, and hurried to the site. The double doors stood wide open, allowing the heat from the fireplace to escape into the hallway.

Grimly staring into the flames was a classically handsome man in his late 30’s, or so he seemed. Tall, judging by the length of his legs, and physically fit, with biceps that flexed as he moved. He was sensuality incarnate, and both women felt a heavy lethargy steel over them. The man turned his head and when Xena and Gabrielle saw his eyes, they were captivated.

“Ladies. Welcome to my humble abode. I’ve been expecting you.”

Xena had a bad feeling about this. The handsome man now drawing them closer seemed in control of their actions, like a puppetmaster tugging on the right strings.

Gabrielle couldn’t take her eyes off his handsome countenance. She studied his features carefully, memorizing the arch of cheekbones and the bridge of his noble nose. She flinched, however, when she returned to his eyes. While a moment ago they had seemed animated with life all their own, now they were empty, as if they belonged to a corpse instead of a man.

“Please come in. you must be thirsty after your long trek.”

He indicated a long tapestry shrouded table in the center of the room. On it’s surface rested several goblets of stunning beauty and a carafe filled to the brim with sweet smelling wine. There was also another container, much smaller than the first, but also containing a succulent nectar of darkest red. The man poured one goblet of each, making sure that Xena received the darker red wine.

“I’m sure you both know who I am by now, so there’s no point in introductions.”

Xena cupped the glass in her hand, but didn’t drink the tempting liquid. “No, Incubus, there isn’t much point to that at all. All I came here for is my daughter.”

Gabrielle was eagerly drinking her cup of liquid down, savoring the spices as they burst in her mouth. Incubus watched the play of muscles in her throat as she swallowed with obvious enjoyment. However, his main focus was on Xena.

“I’m sorry, but your daughter isn’t here. I did meet her, of course. Such a charming young woman.” Actually, he hadn’t met her at all. One of his Incubi had tried seducing her and had failed. The follower had instantly gone to his lord to report the information, as any female who was able to resist their powers might be the chosen one and require more study.

“You’re lying, you sick bastard! I know she’s here!”

“I’m afraid not. Last I heard, your daughter was six days northward bound. She’s not been here in quite some time.” Incubus’ eyes dropped to the cup she still held in her hands. “Drink. The juice comes from a very rare berry. I’m sure you’ll find it to your liking.”

Xena felt the pull to do as he commanded. Her hands raised the footed bowl to her lips, and that’s when she smelled it. Mixed amongst the delicate fragrance of fermented fruit was a trickle of something evil, a poison Xena had once used to contaminate a well during her dark days. It was tasteless, but had the exact same smell she sensed now.

Xena looked over at Gabrielle and found her nearly comatose on her feet. She willed herself to fight back, struggling for a moment before she broke free of his mind control. Xena flung the cup far away from her, spilling it’s contents like blood across the floor.

“No! I won’t allow you to use me!” she shouted. But Xena didn’t anticipate what happened next.

Incubus transformed, his handsomeness morphing into hideous features. “It wasn’t you I wanted anyway, you silly bitch!”

He swept his arm across the table, revealing it’s purpose to actually be a stone dais carved with lascivious images. The delay had done it’s job and now Gabrielle was too incapacitated to stop the demon as he leapt over the altar and grabbed her in his claws.

Xena saw all this in mere seconds, running to stop him. But her control was imperfect and Incubus managed to land a blow squarely across her chest with one arm, flinging her far across the room. She struck the wall hard, knocking her head against the carved stone and mortar. The last thing she saw as her vision dimmed was Incubus laying Gabrielle out on the dais as his next sacrificial victim.