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Breath of Change

Disclaimer: This story contains discriptions of violence, death and prejudice. There's also a few moderate curse words used. Rights to the characters Xena, Gabrielle, and Argo are the sole property of MCA/Universal. Their use in this story is strictly for the purpose of a fan run endeavor, and is not intended for commercial use or for profit.


The attack was unexpected and brutal. The Amazon village had not quite awakened when the armed slayers charged through the village, lighting homes afire and cutting down anyone who stood in their path.

Someone shouted, “Amazons! To arms!”

But the cry was too little, too late. As women and children raced out of the inferno that had become their village, all of their possessions were left behind. Including most of the weapons.

A handful had managed to obtain swords and were bravely defending the retreat of their sisters, but it became obvious that the battle was lost as one after another of the Amazon women fell victim to the raised blades pursuing them.

Knowing that they must flee in order to escape death, a mere dozen Amazons, mostly children, fled into the hills, the only survivors from what had been a group of over 100 villagers strong.


Xena & Gabrielle walked into the tavern with a weary stride. The journey from Rome had been a long one, and both women felt the need for a good cup of ale, a bath and a bed, in that order.

As they lowered their aching bodies into one of the few chairs remaining, Gabrielle groaned and asked, “Xena, you don’t think we’re getting too old for this stuff, do you?”

Xena, who was also feeling the impact of the long, bruising ride, replied, “Naa, we’re not getting too old. I think someone moved Rome further away from Greece.”

Both women smiled wryly and ordered a drink from the busy barmaid. The tavern was packed with people, chattering anxiously with one another. There seemed to be an air of celebration about the place as if a great battle had been won. Xena knew the feeling from prior experience, and tensed at what that could mean.

“Xena, what’s going on here? Did you hear that man over there?” She gestured with her head. “He said something about ‘They’ll never bother us again.’ or something like that. What are they talking about?”

Xena, who was already on guard, answered, “They’re celebrating a victory of some sort. But I haven’t heard about any trouble in this part of Greece.”

Xena began surveying the room as she leaned closer. “That’s what bothers me.”

She was reaching for their saddlebags to leave, when a drunk reveler stumbled and fell across their table. Xena and Gabrielle jumped back, but not before being drenched with the brew in the mans cup.

Xena cursed and pushed the drunkard off their table, but instead of falling to the floor, the man gained his feet and stood smiling idiotically at them. Xena growled and started to rise, but the man laughed and tried pushing her back down into her seat. Of course, it didn’t work. Xena was ready to knock the grin off his face when the drunkard flung his arms out.

“Come now ladies! Don’t be so cross. It’s time to celebrate!”

The crowd roared their agreement.

Gabrielle couldn’t stand not knowing what they were talking about, so she asked. “What are you celebrating?”

The revelers behind them interjected their happiness with more cheers and the clanking of mugs. The drunk man, more than happy to play storyteller, began describing the source of revelry.

“It was a decisive battle! We swept down on them when they least expected it! Burned the whole lot, let me tell you. They’ll never be bothering us again, let me tell you!”

Another cheer went up, and Gabrielle looked around, still confused, but getting a really bad feeling in her gut.

Xena felt the same, and asked, “Who? Who was it that was bothering you? A warlord maybe?”

The crowd laughed. It seemed the attention of the whole room was now turned on the 3 people at it’s center.

“Oh, no! We haven’t been bothered by a warlord in ages. I’m talking about those whores on the other side of the mountain. Haughty little tramps were over here all the time, trying to trade decent goods for their tainted offerings. But lookie here!” he grinned and pulled something out of his shirt. “What I’ve got didn’t cost me a thing!”

Dangling from his neck was a delicately wrought necklace. It’s cord was stained dark brown with blood and the pendant dangling from the bottom bespoke of a young amazon princess. Gabrielle recognized it instantly and with a quick hand, snapped it clean off his neck.

“Hey, that’s mine! Give it back!”

The drunk hollered and Gabrielle was ready to beat the man within an inch of his miserable life. But Xena saw the crowd becoming disturbed by her friends actions, and grabbed Gabrielle by the arm.

“Let’s get out of here. Now.” Xena commanded as she herded Gabrielle to the door.

“But Xena, that pig had an amazon necklace! He KILLED her for it!”

“I know. But now is not the time.” Xena carefully watched their backs as they mounted up and headed across the mountains.