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Katsclaw Laurels of Honor

Here are the rules:

  1. Any website can enter, as long as it's not a commercial site, adult (XXX related), or have anything to do with snakes. Why snakes, you may ask? Because I have Ophidiophobia, or a fear of snakes. So don't send me pix of a rattler, ok? And obviously, Xena websites will get my attention first. *g*

  2. Just because you apply, doesn't mean you'll get it. I give this award to a SELECT few. You have to have a quality site that shows you've put effort into. In another words, if you only spent 5 minutes on the whole site, you won't get my award.

  3. I also give the award for stories, poetry, artwork, and multimedia. If it's on the web and you'd like me to consider it, then enter the URL where it's at, whether it's at your own site or hosted on someone else's.

  4. You must give me the correct email addy and website URL. If I don't have them, I can't review and give an award.

  5. You must fill in all the fields below.

  6. Nobody, AND I MEAN, NOBODY can use this award without my presenting it to them. So please, don't steal the image. If you didn't earn it, you don't deserve it!

So... you want to win an award? Begin the challenge here!

Your full name:

Your email address: (e.g.:

What Is Your Web Site Address?

What Is Your Website About?

What Makes Your Web Site Special? Stunning, fast, FREE!    
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Katsclaw Award Winners

Scott King's Outstanding Xena Toons! My first Katsclaw award winner!
Magdalena's Amazing Site for Ares
The Gods of Aggression Interactive Fan Page