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My Cabbage Patch Kids Haven

Hot Links for Cabbage Patch Kids

Angelfire -- Easiest Free Homepages (something I kinda have to do, since they're hosting me)
Mattel's Official CPK site! (get custom CPKs here too!)
Babyland General Hospital -- Birthplace of the CPKs! (where it all began)
New Leaf Garden Sprouts
eBay Auction Web -- Cabbage Patch Current Listings
Second Chance Orphanage
Tender Care Cabbage Patch
View the Cabbage Patch Kids Ads
Stork Express
Doll Mom's Cabbage Patch
Cabbage Patch Cradle
The Magical Cabbage Patch
Tracy's CPK Girls (message board here too!)
Wiebke's Little Cabbage World
My Own Little Cabbage Patch

(Chris' site)

My CPK Experience

I got my first CPK when I was about six or seven, during the big CPK rush of 1983-84. Her name is Grace Roxanna. But I didn't know I was a collector until I was about fifteen. By then I knew I had a lot of the cuties sitting in my room --sixteen to be exact, plus about twenty of the PVC kind (from 1984). Now I'm pretty much grown up, but I have about 40 (I don't have an exact count) CPKs and thirty PVC figurines....and more still coming...!

In the coming weeks and months I intend to add to this site. I just haven't had the opportunity to maintain it like I should. :o(

My Personal Collection

Right now I have about forty Cabbage Patch Kids (I'm really not sure how many I have) and more are steadily coming! I found this really informative piece on the web on the history of the CPKs. Check it out!

Top row: Lance Anthony. Middle row: Erica Eve, Billy David, Tiffany Renee, Alison Joy, Vicki Leigh, Baylee Brooke, Corey James, and Shirley Olivia. Bottom row: Madelyn Rose, Alyssa Marie, Erin Elizabeth, Grace Roxanna, Caroline Elizabeth, Tara Lynne, Jessica Anne, and Alexis Danielle. (This pic is old and I have gotten quite a few more since then!)


And this is Lauren, one of those I've gotten since the pic above was taken. I got her off of Ebay. And there are a couple of others, but I haven't gotten around to taking their pics yet. Actually, I didn't take this one. Her previous adoptive mother, Tricia, did.

To see an enlarged pic of her, click here. For descriptions of my precious kids, click here. I am not selling any of them right now!

Stay tuned while I do updates on this section!

Miscellaneous News & Notes

Have you seen the Norma Jean CPK movies? I have. The shows came on cable television this summer, packaged as the "CPK Film Festival" and I taped them for my 6-yr-old nephew. He comes home from school every day to watch the tapes...and I probably watch it even more than he does! They're available on VHS, CD, and DVD, I think -- and I heard there was going to be a theatrical release later this year!

New on the 'Net... Amanda Witman is BACK with her Cabbage Patch Corner page. You can find her at It's extremely informative, and has an extensive list of CPK books you may be able to find through There's also a page where you can post if you're looking for a certain CPK outfit, or have other outfits to swap - it's a GREAT idea! There's also a few people on Amanda's site who are willing to help the CPK community value their CPKs.

Thanks Leah :)

Some news from the CPK Haven: One of my three talkers, Amanda Kay, has been selected by the Cabbage Patch Kids Are Forever (Genie's club) as the featured doll for the week! I'm so proud of her!


My CPK Want List

Everybody who is a collector of Cabbage Patch dolls has a want list (or, should I say, wish list). I am no exception. This want list is not big (by anybody's standard) but I think that eventually I will get all of these, either on the web or by getting around to the flea markets in my town.

Eventually I want to have at least one of every head mold in my collection. There are several good pages on the Net regarding that. Nancy at Second Chance Orphanage has one, so do Rachael at New Leaf Garden Sprouts and Leah at The Magical Cabbage Patch.

Guess what? This site has picked up its first award.

Check out this new page. Meet the first five CPKs I ever got -- up close and personal.

This page is perpetually under construction.

This Cabbage Patch Ring of Collectors site is owned by Jill.
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