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Johnny The Homicidal Maniac

..can be your friend too...

Ok, I made this page because of two reasons, (1)its 2:00am in the morning and I have nothing else to do, and (2)Jhonen Vasquez has one of the most twisted minds I've ever seen, which I like. As You've probably noticed, this isn't just JTHM, but ALL things related. Here you'll find things about Johnny The Homicidal Maniac, Squee!, Happy Noodle Boy(of course), and all the other interesting things that make up this fine, beautiful world. If you click on the "Stuff About Me" link above the JTHM webring link, you'll find some things I've written, andd well, stuff about me. So sit back, grab some pringles(tm), and maybe a Pepsi if you have one, and enjoy all these things. If you would rather go to the Backstreet Girls (I mean boys) webpage, then just listen to Happy Noodle Boy:

hi emma

Some of the images are messed up, mainly because I suck at scanning stuff, oh well..

Now is where you actually get to click on things (oohh...ahhh...)

JTHM Images

He gots head explody!!



Eat the fuckin weenie!!!


Happy Noodle Boy Images

A spiritual noodle

Squee! Images


He's peeing

This is scary

It's wednesday night and you know what that means..

Other Images

Nail bunny

Rob Hummel-chicken fucker, m.d.


For Emma


Angry nun

I redecorated, I realized that all the images I had were taken from other sites and that was stupid of me. So I got off my ass and scanned some of my own. Yay!!

This is me, yes me, not you, me.

Stuff about me

JTHM webring

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For those of you ICQ people: 25045781 I'm online a lot

Fill out the form below to recieve nothing.

I live under a sink

My pet gerbil is a spy for the Gestapo

I will gladly sign my soul away by:Checking little circles Checking little circles Checking little circles

More twisted sites

My girl-fiends webpage
Le maison de Lenore
Purple Tentacles World Domination Center, if youre a purple tentacle, come here
Creators of Ren and Stimpy
My band Gusher
Nightmare Before Christmas
Jeff Smith's Bone
