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Love is like a butterfly...

if you let it fly freely and it comes back, it is yours...

if it does not it was never yours to begin with...

i am simply a wanted object you crave!!!!!

Here I Can Be Anything I Want To Be...

Gypxy's Home

i am a seasoned traveler of the labyrinth,the genuis of alacrity,wizard of the impossible,my brilliance is yet unmatched in its orginality,and my heart is filled with potent magic,that could cast a thousand i can find:Enchantment,Love,and Happiness :)

He listened in thrall to the song of the siren,Her voice like a star as it flew through the air.He drowned in her eyes as she called him to follow,And likened the sun to the gold of her hair.

She swept up her arms and held him close to her,Her soft lips caressing the lines on his brow.He could not resist her, a magic had trapped him,And nothing could save him, for she had him now.

She pulled him down with her into the clear water,He gasped as death started the grip on his soul.His life ebbed away as she dragged him still further,And laughed when she saw she'd accomplished her goal.

by Charlotte Lester

My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages

Official Boris and Julie page.
Fantasy Art.
Fantasy Art.
Sunet ftp site.
Many Artists.
