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An On-Line Addict - LOL

Twas early in the morning, and all through the house,
Not a creature is stirring, not even a mouse.
The family is sleeping, the computer is free,
I run down the stairs,and shout with glee.

I turn on the Power, and watch all the lights,
It's all loaded up, my what a sight!
I log on my password, and take a deep sigh
There go my fingers, look at them fly.....

I check my buddy list to see who is on,
Great, I see Susan and Mike, and my Mom..
I check my E-mail, and scan a few sites,
Gotta catch up with what I missed last night.

They say im an "Online Addict", I hardly think so,
Why I can turn this thing off, what do they know?
I lead a normal life, do all the same things
"Wait did you hear that?" "It was an e-mail ring!"

Websites, IM's, E-mail and Chats,
"Laundry, Dishes and housework? "Who cares about that"
My contact list grows bigger and bigger each day,
I can't help it, my new friends beg me to stay.

I'm usually the first one who jumpsout of bed?
The heck with a shower, there is e-mail to be read.
And who needs breakfast, just bring me some chips,
And some leftover pizza, anyone got any dip?

I'm getting a flat butt, and bags under my eyes,
But who cares about that? You just tell them lies."
Who tells the real truth? Even the pictures are fake,
The more bull I dish out, The more that they take.

To them I'm really sexy, They think I'm a fox,
With big boobs, and soft curves, and long curly locks.
I tell them im a model, long legged and single,
High heels and garters, I make them all tingle

Only I know the truth, I'm old, ugly,and fat,
750 pounds, what would they think about that?
no boobs, and no teeth, and balding big head,
with warts, spots and wrinkles and a nose that is red

Thru Breakfast, and Lunch, and Dinner I sit,
I'm not an addict, I'm just counting web hits.
Life on the Web, its simply the best,
Hail those on-line, and to hell with the rest..

LA 10/98

Other Creations...

A 90's True Friend LOL
Children of divorce
A Woman Crying
Thru the eyes of a Child