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Aura 's & Energy

Aura's and electromagnetic fields are not revolutionary but as old as the earth itself. Our aura has to do with how we perceive reality, how we relate to others and ourself and the oneness or the mystery of life.

Often people have a sense of a higher power/spiritual source assisting them. This occasionally shows up in aura photo's as lights.

Whenever you encounter someone- friend or stranger, take a slow deeper breath when you are interacting and notice how their energy feels to you. Practice learning to trust yourself around the different vibes people give off. Happy, Healthy, Calm, Honest,Sad, Nervous, Lying. Is the energy Fast, Tense, Vibrant. Moderate, relaxed, Calm. Don't rely on the conversation what a person say's is not an indication of how they really are. You can do this on the telephone and without contact with the person at all. Keep a journal and explore your intuitive findings for yourself. Of course respect peoples privacy.

. . .

One of the best ways to start to increase not only your own energy but to start to increase your own senses is to start to learn to relax and focus. In a relaxed state your energy field becomes more coherent. Any of the books I have recommended go in depth about ways you can start to heal yourself and learn to start to assist others in their healing. It can also helpful to look for a good teacher or mentor.

How may I be of assistance to you!!~~~~?
OCTOBER 2000 ***See home page for personal classes and readings with Linda Understand your spiritual & creative life. Tap into spiritual realms. Ask for answers to tough questions. With Linda as your personal guide you can tap into healing and growth in your life.


BLUE:- The spirit, inspiration, devotion, intuitive and divine feeling, contemplation, inspiration, tranquility, relaxation, truth, peace, clear thinking.

ORANGE:-Harmony, balance, life force, fertility, passion, activity, energy, courage, willpower, expression, creativiy.

GREEN:- Growth, hope, renewal,health, harmony,abundance, prosperity, soul of nature, new beginnings. . . . .

RED:-Courage, growth, energy, willpower, transformation.

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  • Wheels of Light by Rosalyn L. Bruyere


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