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~ In Memory Of Peggy ~

This page is done in Memory of my baby sister "Peggy Sue".
Peggy was born on August 14th, 1962.

Peggy was diagnosed with CML LEUKEMIA, MYLEO FIBROSIS and ITP, all in the rarest form.
She lived 3 months past the predicted 5 years, after being diagnosed. she went into remission once during the 5 years 3 months. but remission didn't last long. when the date arrived marking the 5 years, the date she was told, she said " See the doctor's don't know, "Only God Knows when our time will end." in her strength, her belief, and her fight to live, God gave her 3 more month's..... 3 more months, meant everything to Peggy, and to her family, and friends that stood by her through it all. Peggy touched the hearts of all who met her, she was loved by many, and is missed by all.

Peggy is gone but, will never be forgotten, she lives in each of our hearts!

My Baby Sister
Peggy Sue A. F.
b.August 14, 1962 - d. December 15, 1988

These are just a couple of the poems that Peggy liked and wanted to be passed on. I copied them from her hand writeing, I hope that I got the author's names correct, when she wrote these she was weak and on chemo therapy, along with a multitude of other drugs, for the cancer taking her life.

The Giver

He Gave me His shoulder
When I wanted to cry
He gave me hope
When I wanted to die.

He gave me a friend
When I was alone
He sent me His love
And gave me a home

He gave me understanding
When I was in need
I needed to grow
He planted the seed

He gave me peace
When I was in doubt
I was ready to drown
But He pulled me out

I thought He gave all
One man could give
But then He gave me His life
So through Him I could live

His final gift of love
Was done for you and me
He gave us all He had
When they nailed Him to a cross.

Author: Bonnie Sovey

Peace At Last

God of mercy, God of might
Help me live my life aright
Give me light and guide my way
To home at last on judgement day.

Then safe within your kingdom blest
I'll ever have eternal rest,
No trouble then my days shall see
But everlasting peace with thee.

Author: Rev. Thomas Loy

Credits where due: The Tea Rose Picture at top of this page, The Angel Picture, and The Buttons used on this page were scanned by me, I used a picture from a catalog for the buttons, and a picture of the angel's that, I came across in a box of my dad's belongings when I was going through his personal things, and resized them, The Tea rose's are from the top of a trinket box. The Picture Frame was scanned by me, I used a picture frame given to me, by my web sister Rita S. Thank you Sis! The Background I used on this, and all the pages I have created are from the Angelfire Collection,
Thank You Angelfire!
If you want to use anything on this page Please ask, I would love to see where they are being used

Contents on this page copyrighted Connie c1998-1999
