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Faler's Metallica-And-Me Site

I love Metallica. In case you didn't notice. (Lars is my absolute favorite band member ever.) First off, I am a junior at Payson Seymour High. It's not the best place, but that's where my friends are.

First...there's Candi. Candi is a fire bug and a giggle box. She's always laughing and talking about something or making someone else laugh. (Oh, sh*t, it's on fire!!) She loves Kirk. ALOT....Laura fits in here too. She is just one of those odd people who gives me a ride here, there and everywhere. A very cool girl. Good luck with Gottman. And of course, how could I forget about Becky, she's just weird. But that's ok. Everyone is entitled to be a dumbass.

For more stuff on my friends and various other stuff...check out my other site... o4o - Faler

Ok, now you've met my friends, about me; I'm a junior at S.H.S. I have brown hair brown eyes, am 5'8 and normal from there on. (I hope someday to get a picture on here.) I live with my Mom and Dad far away from all of my friends, in a township called BURTON. (You know, as in Cliff Burton, my other favorite band member, may he rest in peace. I feel I am blessed to live here in this place because it carries his name. Besides that, it sux.) Other than that, I'm involved in softball, and I play percussion in our school band and if you get to know me, I think you'll like me. (Ok, I hope you'll like me.) If you wanna know more about me, drop me a line. My e-mail is or but, if you have ICQ, I'm Dime, 38670016.

Best Stuff About Metallica

The Best Sites On The Web (In MY Opinion)

The Official Metallica Site
Metallica Tour Site
Metallica Rocks (Very Cool)
Korn's Site
My Lars (And Band History) Site
My Friends Site
