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Eternal Forever

Welcome to Eternal Forever!


Do you like my pet bee?

Thanks for dropping by to see my page! Here is a little something about the person I call me. My name is Ryan and I belong to THE creator of the universe - GOD.My only hope is that my life reflects His will and I show how the great and mighty God can live inside of me.

Proverbs 3:5,6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

What do I do? Well, I am a part time student at UCF in Orlando and I am currently studying MIS(Management Information Systems). I am also a full time employee at CarMax (the one by the airport). Having school and work at the same time can be trying; you end up having to give up certain things, and sometimes it is not even your choice.

The main love of my life is my father in heaven, God. He blesses me continuously and I give all glory to Him. He has decided to bless my life by bringing a most beautiful, caring, loving, and God-fearing woman into my life. And believe it or not, it happened when I decided to stop looking for love and simply give it to God. You make me want to be a better man Caroline, Je t'aime, I love you.

But on the side I do two things. I am into Photography, which, if you check my pictures you will get to see. Some of them were taken before I titled myself an "Amateur" photographer, but a good example would be the wedding shot in the beginning of my friends page. And two, I swing - not the lifestyle - the dance. I am out at Atlantic Dance at Disney's Boardwalk every Saturday evening - that's where I met Caroline!! If you happen to be there on a given weekend - we just might bump into each other!! Well, hope you enjoy the site! E-mail me at or IM me - my screen name is Eternal4Ever!!

Click the smiley face to go to pictures of my family and me!

Click the yellow eye to go to pictures of my friends and me!

Click the swirl to hear a little more about ME!!!

I just finished putting up a new page for pictures, or whatever, and it is called The Anything Drawer. Click the silly eyes to go there!!

My Vacation up North!!! Check it out baby!!!

I have some funky sounds on this page!

Sign My guest book!

View my guestbook!!

My website became a little too large and people said that it was taking too long for the page to load. So click here to go to my links page. Hopefully, this will save some loading time!!

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