
buffy and angel Revelations

Season 3, Episode 7 (Episode 41 of entire series)

Again, kind of a return to first-season episodes, what with the evil plot, plus the vamp dress -- like what The Three wore -- on Lagos, I think. Also, some nice "closure" or "circular" thing was achieved, what with Angel's saving Willow; she was to be his first victim when he was Angelus in Innocence. Throw in some stolen kisses, slayer-to-slayer combat, and a spell...you've got the makings of a pretty decent episode that announces Angel's presence to the Scooby Gang & Giles.


I'm gonna try to keep this short...anyhoo, Willow and Xander keep acting all funky when the gang is around, which is sort of amusing to see. Basically, the gang wonders if Buffy's got a boyfriend now...makes you think that maybe they know Angel is back already, huh?

So Buffy and Angel are doing the T'ai Chi thing together, and there's your basic awkward "gonna kiss?" moments of tension. Sounds good to me...sigh. Heh.. Other than that, it would seem to be business as usual, what with Faith and Buffy out bonding and slaying, slaying and bonding, under Giles's semi-Watchful eye. It works for them, it works for me, I guess. Who it doesn't work for is Madame Watcher Gwendolyn Post, who claims that she's been sent by the Watcher Council to train Faith. She's a by-the-book sort of woman, very stodgy and prim, and I have to say, I didn't buy this lady's act for a minute. So either I'm gettin' smarter, the writing is getting more predictable, or ...well, let's just say I'm gettin' smarter, okay?

Anyhoo, Prim Brit Lady (tm) disapproves of Giles and his "American" methods. She pretty much spouts this off in front of both slayers, which is not what you'd think a classy chick would do. But whatever. She tells the gang about this new evil, Lagos, who's come to town for the Glove of Myhnegon, which resembles a clawed-type thing. What is it with this show and arms? (see Surprise and Innocence..or pieces of The Judge.) Well okay, maybe the allusions to Innocence make sense, given Angel and Willow, and well..just Angel. Okay. So then what is it with this show and Nigeria?? I mean, we had the Zombie Demon, ovu mobani thing back in Dead Man's Party, and here again, another demon that has Nigerian roots!! 'Cause, you know, Lagos..in Benin..in Nigeria...(ooh...more learnin' courtesy of the Prairie!) Uh, sorry.

Anyway, Willow and Xander sneak a kiss sesh while they're supposed to be helping Giles, and then Xander, out of guilt, goes looking for Buffy at the cemetery, the Restfield, I think. (must check). While there, he sees Angel carrying something away, and so of course he trails him..to the Garden Mansion on Crawford Street. He also spies Buffy kissing Angel, how about that? So he goes and does the Paul Revere thing to Giles; the word spreads to the gang, sans Faith. Why? Faith doesn't do school, remember.

Anyhoo, at school, Buffy's greeted by Demons Anonymous, an intervention-type thing, courtesy of the gang. It gets kinda ugly. Very. And later Giles accuses Buffy of not respecting his position as Watcher. He also reminds her of the torture that Angelus visited upon him for hours. Yow. I didn't want to remember that, myself.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Post visits Faith and yaks about training. Later, Post visits Giles, who tells her of the glove's whereabouts..namely, that it's at Angel's place. He's met by some blunt object and sacks to the ground.

While this goes down, Xander's drowning his sorrows in a game of snooker, pool, whatever. And Faith happens by. So naturally he tells her what's going down with the Angel sitch and she vows to go kill him. Well, Xander tries to make good on his threat of "You're gonna die. And I'm gonna be there," which he told Angelus in Killed By Death. Wow. I'm referencing a lot!

Anyhoo, they go to Weapons Central, aka The Library, and stock up on crossbows, when they hear Giles...Xander stays behind to call 911 and Faith goes off to get Angel.

Willow and Buffy are at the cemetery waiting for Lagos, and Willow's about to spill the Xander beans to Buffy, when Lagos (I guess?) appears, Buffy kills him, Willow decides not to spill the beans. They head to the library since Buffy wants to make amends with Giles by saying that she slew yet another demon. Instead of a happy Watcher, they find paramedics and Xander, and they realize that Angel's about to die by Faith's hand.

Here is the big finish: Angel's getting ready to do this fire spell to "disable" the glove, when Post arrives. She knocks him out and goes for the glove. Angel comes to and is about to beat Post a lot when Faith shows up, the two fight, she's about to kill Angel, but Buffy thwarts her, and then the two slayers are going at it, and Xander tries to get between them and he gets shoved aside and Post gets the glove on -- I told you this was gonna be a BIG finish! -- and starts getting electrically charged from bolts from the sky and she points her glove at Willow but Angel dives in to shield her and then Faith goes to distract her and do I really have to put this in the What Got the Job Done section? and Buffy throws some glass shard at Post, which severs her arm, which degloves her, which sends the bolts through her, which shrivels her up into nothing, which destroys the evil that lies in the house that Joss built. (!!)

I always wanted to do that. I won't again, really.

Next day at school, Willow says she's good with Angel now, Buffy says she won't do anything that will put the gang or anyone at risk. Still seems a bit rifty where Giles is concerned, I think. And then Buffy pays Faith a visit to see how they are, and Faith says she's okay, but she's gotta be harboring some kind of emotional thing. Yeah, I'm done now.

What Got the Job Done:

1. Buffy and Faith staked vamps in the cemetery.
2. Buffy threw a large shard of glass at Gwen Post, which seemed to sever her gloved arm from her and which gave her more of an electrifying charge after .

What We Learn in This Episode:

1. This ep. left me more with Why Didn't..so for this special occasion, I'm doing that instead! Ooh! The Fun!

Why Didn't...??:

1. Giles tell Post he had the Pergamum Codex when she ranked on his library?
2. Giles actually call the Watchers Council to check up on Post's story? (The man lives on a Hellmouth, why is he so trusting? Especially if no one sent word.)
3. Okay, those were my only two Why Didn'ts...

An Amusing Quote:

Gwendolyn Post: "Faith, a word of advice. You're an idiot." -- as she goes for the glove of Myhnegon, revealing her evil intentions.

An Amusing Exchange:

Willow: "This isn't about attacking Buffy. Remember? 'I' statements only: 'I feel angry.' 'I feel worried.'"
Cordelia: "Fine. Here's one: I feel worried... about me!" --
during Buffy's "Intervention" in the library.

Settings Seen:

1. Sunnydale High School
2. The Garden Mansion (Angel's place now?)
3. Faith's place
4. Some cemeteries
5. Giles's place
6. The Bronze

Characters Seen:

1. Buffy
2. Willow
3. Xander
4. Giles
5. Cordelia
6. Angel
7. Oz
8. Devon
9. Faith
10. Lagos
11. Gwendolyn Post

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