
Angel Collage by Serendipity Amends

Season 3, Episode 10 (Episode 44 of entire series)

A Christmas Dirge? When Angel is tormented by visions of centuries of his evildoings, he seeks help from Giles. Oz tells Willow he misses her, and Buffy deals with her connection to Angel. This ep. also features the return of Jenny Calendar and provides more insight as to Angel's character. Oh, and Willy and Faith also appear in the ep.


Slayerettes are put back to the task to figure out what's Angel's deal. I'm going to keep this short. I know I always say that. But I mean it this time.

Basically, Angel's being tormented by his dreams and is having visions of some of his more gruesome kills. He learns that he's being shown who he is, how he's evil incarnate, and is told to kill Buffy in order to fulfill his destiny. The whole thing drives him over the edge.

At first he goes to see Giles to ask for help...figure out why he's back. Giles, with crossbow, isn't the most pleased. Angel's visited by Jenny's ghost while he's at Giles, and she remains throughout the ep., goading him to give in to his evil urges.

Buffy meanwhile is clued in to Angel's desperation; first when she runs into him on the street and then while she's in his dreams, seeing his past. Of course, dreams are also beneficial for..um..well, you know..that passion thing, too.

For those of you wondering about Cordy..she publicly announces the drunken strife that is part of Xander's home life, and she announces too that she's off to Aspen for the holiday.

Oz tells Willow that he misses her, and they make a vcr date to happen at her place, while her folks are out of town. Willow's seduction scene is quite laughable...heh..from the room's red overtones to the 2-liter soda in the ice bucket to the crooning of Barry White. Oz is a little taken aback by this..he stands up, sits down, tells Willow he's not ready. (see his character page for more.)

Xander actually decides to help Giles and Buffy research what's up with Angel...and Faith bags what is most likely a fake party to spend Christmas Eve with Buffy and her mom. She brings crappy gifts. It's true what they say...it's the thought that counts.

Anyway, after visiting Willy for some 411, Buffy and Xander learn that the evil harbinger priest things live underground. After Buffy puts together the dead trees at the Xmas lot -- she noticed 'em when she and her mom were out pining for trees..okay bad pun sorry.. -- with the underground thing, she goes to take on the priest evil things, and learns that Angel will be dead by sunrise. Apparently Angel can't deal with being evil and all that, so he vows to meet the sunrise. Fortunately, evil Jenny passed this info. on to her.

Buffy goes looking for Angel and finds him overlooking the city. They scuffle some, he declares his love for her and that he believes he's weak, and Buffy keeps trying to tell him that everyone's weak but you can make amends (!) and do good works. He's not buying it...it's a pretty good emotional scene, but everyone who knows about the spinoff knows that Angel is yet again going to outrace the sun. How'd he do it here, with but a few minutes to spare? A freak snowstorm hits Sunnydale, and the sun doesn't come out at all. I guess there's dramatic license for it, but for a minute I thought it was kinda pat. You know? Not to rag on it, it had a message and all and it was decent. But snow? I guess maybe what with El Nino it could happen but...

Wow. I kept it short. See? I can leave out details about Angel's visit to Buffy's bedroom and stuff like that. (Although I suppose I could write more later if the spirit moves me. Heh.)

What Got the Job Done:

1. Buffy went to kill those priests...looks like she got at least one. Then the Evil shifted form from Jenny Calendar to some big hologram-like beasty and split.
2. It snowed, so the sun didn't come up...maybe Buffy's tirade to Angel helped some.

What We Learn in This Episode:

1. That although fashion may have dictated it, Angel looks ridiculous in a mustache.
2. Xander's folks are a drunken couple who fight. This must explain why he's never home.
3. Willow owns a Barry White record. I don't even own a Barry White album!
4. People on this show are obsessed with saying, "Watch your back."
5. Oz is still preoccupied with the word "arm."

An Amusing Quote:

Coming Soon!

An Amusing Exchange:

Coming Soon!

Settings Seen:

1. Sunnydale High School
2. Some streets & open areas
3. Xmas tree lot & "underground"
4. Willow's house
5. Giles's place
6. Faith's motel room
7. The Garden Mansion (Angel's place)
8. Willy's
9. Xander's lawn
10. Dublin streets (1838)
11. Buffy's house
12. A mansion in London

Characters Seen:

1. Buffy
2. Willow
3. Xander
4. Giles
5. Cordelia
6. Angel
7. Oz
8. Willy
9. Faith
10. Jenny Calendar
11. Joyce Summers
12. X-mas tree guy (May remove)
13. Weather Guy (May remove)
14. "The First" (the Priest Guys)
15. Margaret (Angel Victim)
16. Daniel -- Dubliner (Angel victim)
17. Angel Victim Guy -- Guy w/kids

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Thanks to Serendipity for nifty Angel collage!!

This page last updated on December 17, 1998.

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