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We all have to do our part in reaching the lost WORLD. This our our part...

"Rapture" is coming soon!

Nightclub pics:

comlements of

Go look at there page if you like

This site is made IN FAITH that our dream will come true. Our dream is to build the best most happening christian night club/ Entertainment complex that has and will ever be!

There is one thing we have to ask! We need your suggestions!! If you have any suggestions, we need them so we can make this the best "Christian" night club/Entertainment complex ever!!

OH Yeah!! If anyone who comes to this page has some money and you dont mind donating to this cause, Please Email us!! We are planning to open in late '99 or, Mid '2000.

Jason Anderson: Tech. Director/Owner

"Our Plans for Rapture"

Sign My Guestbook

Please help us raise money and order a CD from CD Now off of our site!! CDnow

Search for your favorite Christian artist and buy a CD to help us raise money!! THANKS!! CDnow
Album Title
Song Title

View My Guestbook

This is one of our best friends site! "Melissa" I suggest you go see her sight! She has won awards!!
" Melissa's Webpage!!"

Wanna See My Color Page? Click here!!


Do you ever feel as if you are being watched?
Well, Its probably JESUS! Don't do nothing Jesus wouldnt do!!


Click on the pic

for a spiritual EXPERIANCE you will never forget

At The Pentecostals of Alexandria!

My churches site

Mickey Mangun
Mickey Mangun in "live" action....
Click this link to hear Mickey Mangun sing "I Believe I Can Fly!". Thats my Pastors Wife!!

Alexandria Youth Choir
The Youth choir of Alexandria!
Click this link to hear The Youth Choir of Alexandria (My churches Youth Choir!) sing"Send Your Later Rain!".

See Music and great Preaching straight from the sancuary ofThe Pentecostals of Alexandria!!
"Click here!!"

"Click here for The Muppets!!"
Henson Company Store

The lighting professionals magazine.

"Lighting Dimensions"

Sorry, this sight is under construction right now! Come back and visit us!
