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Transducer Viewing Area

Here is a handy dandy chart that I made up that shows how much of an area you are looking at under your boat using a Twenty degree Transducer, the first column is the depth in feet the second column is the view area also in feet, please remember that this is a circle area under your boat and that you must know where the location of your Transducer is on your boat, this must be fairly close because I net shad using the front and rear Transducer to find them. As I see shad on the front depth finder I slow the trolling motor down to a crawl and wait for them to appear on the fish finder at the rear of the boat, and throw out from theback of the boat, this is one advantage that I have of owning a trolling motor that uses RF freqeuncy to run it as I'm in the back of the boat and can see both fish finders,and I control the boat from the rear I'm not up on the front of the boat. Another thing, you must anticipate which direction the shad will go, as soon as they hear that net hit the water they all shift as one big unit, during bright sunny days they will see that net coming, and you may throw your arm off trying to catch some for bait. We are talking about the shad that are one to two inches long, the bigger ones show up as small arches on the screen and the small ones look like clouds or dark masses. In the next few weeks if the lake dosen't freeze I'll take pictures and put them on here so you can see what shad look like on a fish finder.

Transducer Viewing Area

Depth in Feet under Boat

Area of View under Boat


Depth in Feet under Boat

Area of View under Boat


Depth in Feet under Boat

Area of View under Boat


Depth in Feet under Boat

Area of View under Boat












2 0.7   14 4.9   26 9.1   38 13.3
3 1.0   15 5.2   27 9.4   39 13.6
4 1.4   16 5.6   28 9.8   40 14.0
5 1.7   17 5.9   29 10.1   41 14.3
6 2.1   18 6.3   30 10.5   42 14.7
7 2.4   19 6.6   31 10.8   43 15.0
8 2.8   20 7.0   32 11.2   44 15.4
9 3.1   21 7.3   33 11.5   45 15.7
10 3.5   22 7.7   34 11.9   46 16.0
11 3.8   23 8.0   35 12.2   47 16.4
12 4.2   24 8.4   36 12.6   48 16.7