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WELCOME TO THE UNOFFICIAL EMMA BUNTON FAN CLUB!! Enjoy your stay here and please join the club!!!! I wouldn't kick sand in anyones face it would ruin my shoes-Emma Bunton. OH and don't forget about the survey
This will be a page for fellow Emma Fans! whether they be boys who absolutly love her or girls who think she has a beatiful voice!

You will need to have ICQ to be in it. This is not to be mean but this is how I will be in contact with the people in the club.

if you don't have ICQ you can get it by clicking on This

When you join the club you can add me or I will add you when i check for new people. My nick is &Emma Bunton. My UIN is 6523882.

Join The Emma Bunton Fan Club
Emma Pics
Info on emma
My Webrings

Take My Spice Girls Survey
I am not Emma Bunton. I don't know her personaly. I have nothing to do with the spice girls. I am just a fan
