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Andrea of Sunshine's Ray..

another lame website about a grrl

come one come all and see the hottest man alive!! haa.. Vin Diesel.. can we say shwiiiiing!!(as wayne on wayne's world would say..lol)seriously folks.. guys always pant and drool over Brittney Spears ..well think of Vin as my substitute for brittney spears.. haa.. but we all know i really do not apporve of her and her ways and i think the ppl that say she is an actual good"role model" for young grrls are absolutely delusional and out of their minds!! haa.. But Vin see he is decent.. he doesn't wear skanky clothes lol.. and he doesn't say thing like "i'm a slaaaaaaaave for you" and i'm sure he never has to say "oops i did it again".. no folks,, this guy is decent and modest and if you you have seen otherwise you'd best be tellin me.. haa.. ok .. so most guys aren';t blessed enough to look as sexy as him but lets face it not that many grrls can afford to look like brittney.. he works out for his pecks.. she has surgury.. its true!.. ok anyway i'm not any Brittney and you prolly aren't any Vin and thats cool bc God made us each special and beautiful in our own ways.. i just really appreciate the work he did on this guy.. haa.. i like that broader build.. i dunno.. the muscles arent that big of a deal to me.. but he sure could protect me if anyone tried to hurt me..ok.. well here he is..and don't worry not ALL grrls find him totally irresistable.. i have met a couple that don't really see a big deal about him.. .. they will just have to talk to there eye doctor about that.. ok.. blah

oh here is a picture proving that men do walk the dogs too sometimes..

hey you. so you have come to my page..it is just your basics all together nothing fancy, no high-tech graphics or complicated tasks. this is a recent project of mine and someday it will be more worthwhile.. but until then this is my simplicity on the web..

Some lame-o writings...
Some lame-o entertainment..
Some lame-o pics ....
More pics....
about a lame-o..um wait..about a grrl...

journal of a grrl.(mine)..
Some/few fav. links and such....
On a lighter note..

I must tell you that all of my pages are still under lots of construction...so you may want to wear a hard hat...and some safety goggles..tss

Ilove the store Barnes and Nobles...so I have added the following link for your benefit...I urge you to visit them..afterall, its only a click away...

barnesandnoble.com Home Page hey hey.. UPDATE: ok i have tons and TONS of work to do on this here site so don't laugh cuz atleast i try and all that.. ok i got a webcam and so there will be more pics added and updated ones of me so you can print it and then you'll have something to scare the rats away with..yeah..so check out my pics page.. and i dunno.. not much of anything else new.. im just glad to be back online here at home but i prolly wont be on quite as much as before cuz i'm super busy these days and schoolife doesnt suck quite as much..and i'm at home sweet home so my journal entries prolly wont be quite as depressing.heh.. ok so check things out..

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. come back if you want to see the same thing only next time hopefully more spectacular..right..

"People are strange when you're a stranger...."

Email: andreaofsunshine@excite.com

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