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zStrength From WithinZ

~Strength From Within~

As sun rays find its way into the room.
It light upon a crunpled figure
Dried blood on her regal features,
Elegant hair now wildly astray.

Red, blue and purple the same as swelling gives way ,
To the bruises that ache to make their appearence.
The cut on her brow aching with pain which fills her very
battered body and mental wellness.

She remembers the beginning, how sweet and kind she was
Making her feel that only they existed until she knew the
security of only him.
when he asked for her hand, eagerly she answered yes.
She could not foresee life without him.

White frills and lace gliding down the aisle,
A picture of perfection toward the future that awaits her .
Little did she know of the nightmare that began as soon as
she gave her answer.
The sinister being of this man engaged in the purest form
of evil.
Sheilded by the farce of marriage.

To run was her only escape .
Packing the few things she owned ,
She left as the sun rose high in the sky.
Not knowing where she was going but with the knowledge of being
free of her tormentor gave her a peace of mind,
And the strength from within to begin a life for herself.

Written By:
Lady_Ame aka Queen-Amethyst
I was awarded the prestigeous Homer Award as New Poet Of 1998 for this poem.

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This page last updated 08/18/99
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