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My Information

Name: Martijn Huijbreghs
Born: 6 July 1977
Gender: Not known yet
Life in: Vinkeveen
Country: The Netherlands
Phone: yes, a red one

Yep...for those who want to know some things about be..keep reading as i tell you something about me... From the beginning of my life i was interested in music. My parents gave me musictoys. At the age of 12 i started to take lessons in accordeon at the Vinkeveense Accordeon Society. This went well and a few years later i was asked to play in the intermediate orchestra, for dutch people a B-orchestra. Then a few years later I promoted to an advanced orchestra, this is where i get my midifiles from at the midipage. There you can hear what we are playing. In the mean time a bought a computer and a digital piano so i started to discover the internet as a perfect medium to find other accordeonlovers. This is how i find Andy Bakke, the kind men which helps me on sequencing and with this page. Not to forget to mention Anny de Leeuw, the conductor of the Amsterdam Blaas Kapel, she also helped me with troubleshooting on midi. I decided to make an contribute to accordeonmusic and started this site. At this site you will find midifiles especially for the accordeon, mostly for accordeon orchestra's. Please note that the making of a midifile takes a lot of effort, so if you like my files, do not hesitate to mail me some compliments. I would appreciate that. Oh, and by the way,the beautifull accordion above is mine, the soprani 128 KC..with tonechamber..

So let's start the show. Go back to the index page and click on the link to go to the midi section. Don't forget also to pay a visit to the site off Andy Bakke and Anny the Leeuw, these links can also be found on the index page

Greetings Martijn Huijbreghs