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Wassup....... Thanx for entering my crib
sit back...... roll up a joint (or pack a cone), take a swig of a 40
whatever you do...... just check out my page and take as much of my
shit as you want.... i don't give a fuck.....all i ask is when you
use any of my material on this page, you show respect and at least
sign my guestbook

Irene....Just for you

Im BaCk In ThE GrOoVe Of ThInGs So KeEp ChEcKiN fOr
ChIn ChEcKiNg BaCk InTo ThE sIgHt In ThE yEaR 2001...... wHeRe ThE wOrLd'S hEaDiNg.....No BoDy In ThIs MuThA fUcKa KnOwS......JuSt EnJoY dA rIde...
I gOt A fAvOuR tO aSk AlL yAlL SuRfErS oUt ThErE I nEeD sOmE iDeAs FoR nEw AnD ExCiTiNg ShIt To PuT oN HeRe..... So mSg Me AnD LeMmE kNoW wAsSuP!!!

If AnY Of YoU oUt ThErE HaVe AnY sUgGeStIoNs As HoW tO
ImPrOvE mY sHiT, lEt Me KnOw On Da GuEsT bOoK......CoMe BaCk SoOn
aNd ChEcK OuT mY nEw PiCs PaGe...ThiS OnE BeInG fUlL oF cLaSsY
cArS tHaT bRoThAs WoRlDwIdE lOvE..... PEACE.....

A bit about my self... Im 23 y.o. living in Sydney, I go to UWS Blacktown and I have nearly finished my B Commerce(Marketing) degree

Im PrEtTy NeW aT tHiS hOmEpAgE sHiT,bUt IvE gIvEn
iT a PrEtTy GoOd TrY!!!!!!!!!!! ChEcK oUt My PiC pAgEz, Im AlLwAyZ aDdInG
tO tHeM, sO cHeCk OfTeN.....

PlEaSe SiGn My GuEsT bOoK, lEt Me KnOw WaSsUp
Guestbook by GuestWorld ViEw My GuEsT bOoK

My SeCoNd HiP hOp PaGe, It KiLls ThE fIrSt OnE.....
Currently down, im on the problem

My TuPaC pIcTuReS pAgE....cHeCk It OuT
Page Online Again!!!!
MoRe HiP hOp PiCtUrEs....SnOoP + ThA dOgGpOuNd... + MaStEr P
Page Online Again!!!!
YeT aNoThA PiCs PaGe...WeStSiDe ConNeCtIoN + rEd MaN + MeThOd MaN
Page Online Again!!!!
TiGhT mIsC. PiCs PaGe...GeTtO bOyS..RiChIe RiCh..+ mOrE.
Page Online Again!!!!
TiGhT NeWlY sCaNnEd PiCs..So YoUlL oNlY fInD tHeM hErE.. InClUdEs e-40. GheTtO mAfIa + MoRe
Page Online Again!!!!
My MiKe TySoN pAgE dEdIcAtEd To ThE mAn...In My WoRlD hE iS mY FaVoUrItE bOxEr

Page Online Again!!!!
ThIs Is My PaGe Of LoW rIdErZ aNd OtHeR tIgHt RiDeS

AnOtHa PaGe Of LoW rIdErZ aNd OtHeR tIgHt RiDeS
Currently down, im on the problem

16/06/99 For all you Westside Hip Hop fans out there... a page of Cube pics

HiP hOp MaKeS tHe WoRlD gO rOuNd!!!!!

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