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Associate Professor Dr. Jānis Sīlis

Head of Translation Studies Department

(Ventspils College)

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But meanwhile a little something about me.

I was born on July 19, 1950, in Riga, Latvia. At present I am

Associate Professor and Head of Translation Studies Department
at Ventspils Augstskola (Ventspils College) in the city of Ventspils, Latvia.

In academic year 1997/1998 I am reading

courses for the first year students of the Translation Studies Department.

In this academic year I am also teaching Written Practice to the first year Group 2 students of the same Department.


I am married ( for the second time). I have two sons from my first marriage, and my wife Aija also has two sons from her first marriage. Therefore I have four sons:

VENTS (born on May 1, 1977)

VIESTURS (born on February 14, 1980)

ARMANDS (born on March 17, 1980)

ANDREJS (born on June 24, 1981)

My wife AIJA (born on April 29, 1960) at present is Head of the Ventspils College Publishing Department.



student at the English Language and Literature Department of the University of Latvia Foreign Languages Faculty;


student at the Choral Conducting Department of the Latvia Academy of Music;


PhD student at the English Department of the Moscow University Philology Faculty




    1973-1975, 1978-1981:

    Lecturer at the University of Latvia Foreign Languages Department

    1981-1982, 1983-1985:

    Senior Lecturer at the English Philology Department of the University of Latvia Foreign Languages Faculty

    October, 1982 - August, 1983:

    Postdoctoral research at the Survey of English Usage of the University College London ("Social Semiotics of the English Address Forms")


    Assistant Professor and Deputy Head of the English Philology Department of the University of Latvia Foreign Languages Faculty


    Assistant Professor and Head of the Languages and Literature Department at the Latvia Academy of Music


    Assistant Professor and Head of the Foreign Languages Department for Humanities (University of Latvia Faculty of History and Philosophy)


    1995-1997 also:

    FROM JULY 1, 1997:


    21 publication (textbooks and articles) - Translation Studies, Sociolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, Teaching Methods in ESP and Translation Studies


    • Translation Theory and Practice (University of Latvia - 1983-1986, 1993-1997)
    • General Linguistics (University of Latvia - 1984-1986)
    • Foreign Literature (Latvia Academy of Music - 1989-1991)
    • Simultaneous Interpreting (University of Latvia - 1994-1995)
    • Introduction into Sociolunguistics (University of Latvia - 1993-1997)
    • Introduction into Psycholinguistics (University of Latvia - 1993-1997)

    From 1997:

    • Introduction into Translation
    • Introduction into Linguistics
    • British Studies


    For the sudents of the Departments of