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Hi There ! I Am SunShine.

The Things I Love To Do

I like to listen to music and sing along with the songs when no one is around. I like to sneak into my brother's room and play the music loud and sing , sounds like a teenager right?

I love going on trips to the mall, but why oh why are there only 24 hours in a day when I go on my trips to the mall?

I love my car, I bought me a little white corsica car and I have now become an official road runner. It is catch me if you can because when I am not working I am on the move. Mom says the streets in Louisiana are no longer safe.

I love running around with my friends, going out to eat or playing cards till all hours of the night and going to movies whenever we get the chance.

I live in the small city of Reserve, Louisiana. I graduated in 1998 from East St. John High School. That's right I finally made it! I even got to go to the honor roll round up in my senior year. St. John The Baptist Parish let the students who are on the honor roll for at least half the year go on all the rides and eat all the pizza, popcorn, snowballs, hotdogs, icecream, and drinks they can inhale , a regular junk food paradise for the day.

I am the manager at Shoney's Resturant but still you will find that I am the person that meets you at the door and asks, how many in your party, smoking or non smoking? Then I take you to your table. My mom calls it my Meet them..... Greet them.... Seat them job. But I like it for the most part. I get to meet alot of nice and interesting people from all over.

I am thinking of going to college to learn how to work with people that have speech handicaps. I want to learn sign language and work with people to help them learn to communicate with others.

I love to sing, and I love all kinds of music, although I do not like rap or gangster type music or music with alot of sex and foul language in it.

I am the only daughter my parents have but have three brothers, which really means, I am spoiled rotten and love it. Hehehe

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