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In Loving Memory of..


..and as these days slowly, oh so slowly pass by,
a part of me breaks away from the surface,
and I am left with this pain, this aching that may never really go away.
I am dying inside..
..and I can no longer hide it.


Note To Reader: I haven't ditched the page, I have just lost intrest in puting my time into it.
For those of you who have come across this page either by a random search, boredom, or specifically for a reason. Well to end your questioning, this is the same page that had featured the characters and such I have played online, but.. ever since the death of a very dear, close friend I haven't had much intrest in this page - as I once used to, so please excuse this page for the time being, I may begin re-vamping it sometime this summer. If you want to be kept posted when this site does get fixed up and running again - then just drop me a line - and I'll be sure to notify you.

THE PAGE IS BACK UP!! Heh, Not sure why.. but I found the old source code for the main page I thought I lost, and so well follow this lil link right here