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Fat Mike: Bass, sings

El Hefe: Whole lotta shit, mostly guitar. Somtimes he sings

Erik Ghint: Drums, sings to himself

Eric Melvin: Guitar, sings in the shower

If you have never heard of NOFX you must be stupid or you watch EmptyV (same thing). They have been together for about 15 years, and they keep on geting fatter. You probibly havint ever heard these guys on the radio because you suck and they are to cool for the air. There songs are usualy about stuff like chicks, beer, politics and other punk issues, although they do have some weird shit, like at the end off "Punk in Drublic" and "Buggly Eyes"the last song on "White Trash Two Heebs And A Been". Somtimes they have a bit of a SKA sound whitch is pretty cool. Fat Mike has one off the best voices in punk rock today(he kicks that lagwagon guys ass). Some people try to be realy hardcore and say that NOFX arnt punk, but they suck. They are the sort of people who try to give punk rules (and if any of you wank spanks are reading this you better stop saying that shit or I will come around to your house and rape your dad). Their best three CD's are "Punk in Drublic", "I Heard They Suck Live" and "So Long And Thanks For All The Shoes".

HA HA look at em!! Did some one say late 80's COCK ROCK? who is that guy?

Look at those three gimps!

Yeah you will probobly find somthing to eat in there Eric

uhh...I have no stupid comment for this one

Hey thats mine fatty!!

I live in Australia where america(no capital a) is not very popular. The only thing I like about USAnus is number of bands(eg. NOFX), most of which realise that america is a piece off shit!
