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The Un-Official Reel Wild Cinema (FAQ)

Reel Wild FAQ (Ver. 8.0)

Reel Wild Cinema FAQ 8.0

(Q) What is this Reel Wild Cinema TV show about?
(A) About two years ago, the USA network began to air a show by the name of Reel Wild Cinema. The show is a sort of variety program. Its host is actress and comedian Sandra Bernhard. Through out each show several bits and pieces of classic B-movies are shown. As Sandra says: "We have cut out the boring parts, and show only the best parts of the movie." Each show has a theme which tells the kind of movies the that will be shown. Some past themes included: Southern Sleaze, Hercules, and Giant robots. Also during the show, Sandra has on a special guest, that she interviews for a few minutes. Past guests included Russ Meyer and Connie Mason. At the end of each program they have the "Featured Attraction." This is the movie that they will show the most of during that episode. You get to see the Freatured Attraction with all the boring pieces cut out. The "FA" usually takes up the last 20 minutes of the show.

(Q) How long has the show been on the air?
(A) For about four years now.

(Q) OK, give me a little background on the show
(A) The original pilot had Sandra as a superhero in this futuristic Penthouse with Koria Pandit playing this outrageous organ in the middle of the room and these horrible neighbors that were always trying to "get" Sandra-it was very cool and funny but USA hated it! Also the featured guest on the show was David Carradine. USA "dis-liked" it so that pilot was never re-aired. So, today we have the current show we see today.
Here are two scenes from the never aired again pilot of RWC
Never Seen PIX from the RWC pilotNever Seen Pix fom the RWC pilot
(Q) Was Sandra Bernhard the first choice as host for RWC?
(A) Actually she was among the first choices-originally the show was sold to CBS and they were afraid of her and they talked about Paul Ruebens who wasn't into it and then the show went to USA and they were going to use a young guy as host, but USA said, "What about Sandra Bernhard?" The rest is TV history.

(Q) When does the show come on?
(A) Finding RWC's airtime is as difficult as winning the lottery. The show used to originally air twice a week, on Saturday at 11:00 PM and repeat at Monday at 12:30 AM. However then USA decided that the "Big Easy" needed RWC's Monday slot. So, then the only time you could see RWC was on Saturdays at 3:00 AM (central). I know that's very late, but it was worth it.

(Q) So, why did USA think about canceling RWC?
(A) That was the thousand-dollar question. All we can conclude is that USA has some silly idea that "Pacific Blue" or some other USA treat is better than RWC. So, USA would conclude that by giving a bad show a cherry time slot, that that bad show becomes good. Crazy.

(Q) How can I, a mere mortal, fight against the USA gods to save RWC?
(A) There is alot that you can do to help RWC. First of all you should send the president of the USA network a e-mail telling him to keep RWC going. You can goto the USA web-site and send your e-mail through the USA web-site. Also you can sign up for the Reel Wild Newsletter. By joining the list you get the most up-to-date info on this site and the cause we fight for. Also, all members subscribed to the letter are asked if they would like there name placed on a petition that I mail weekly to USA telling them to keep RWC going. You can join the list by following these directions
(Q) Is there a Reel Wild Cinema Fan club?
(A) Yes there was, but they are no longer accepting members. Sorry

(Q) How goes the fight?
(A) The fight goes very well. I have a loyal order of followers who help me keep the struggle alive. Also, I have a little inside help. Currently over 12,000 people have come to say, KEEP USA REEL WILD!

(Q) What will USA replace RWC's time slot with?
(A) That is a good question. Back in January 98, the show Duckman took over RWC's 3:00 AM slot. But, Duckman was a show that USA cancelled back in October 97, so this tells us that USA is in the practice of bringing back cancelled shows. Now, when RWC is not on at 3:00 AM on USA, usually any random USA show might be on.

(Q) When did the last RWC air?
(A) About three years ago.

(Q) Why did you start this site?
(A) I started this site because I want to save my favorite show from being cancelled....
(Q) Is there any place I can buy old episodes of RWC?
(A) I am sorry to say, no. USA has made no plans to release episodes on to tape. Also, Something Weird Video has no episodes for sale. As for myself, I have no way of making copies, but I will keep you informed of my situation.

(Q) What is this "Something Weird Video?" and what's its connection to RWC?
(A) "Something Weird Video" is the video shop owned by RWC producer Mike Vraney. Something Weird Video or SWV sales the best in B-movies, Sci-fi, and Nudies. I have not been able to make contact with Mike yet, but I will keep you informed of my plight. Recently all members of the Official RWC Fan Club received a copy of the latest SWV catalog. A link to the SWV site can be found at the SRWC-HQ links page. (Note: SWV has no RWC episodes for sale)

(Q) Is RWC gone for good?
(A) Fraid so. And even if RWC is not on TV anymore, RWC will live for ever in the hearts of the Wild Ones!

(Q) Who are the Wild Ones?
(A) The "Wild Ones are the cool people who have signed up for the RWC- NewsLetter. Also, each Friday, all the Wild Ones's Name go onto a an e-mail that I send to the USA Network, telling them to keep Reel Wild Cinema going. Have you signed up yet?

(Q) Who are the "3 Amigos?"
(A) The "3 Amigos" is the nickname I have given to RWC's three producers. They are: Mike Vraney, Marty Sokol, and Jimmy Malson. These three guys make up very essence that is Reel Wild Cinema.

(Q) What are the 3 amigos up too?
(A) Well, currently Mike has his hands full running "Something Weird Video. I have been trying to make contact with him for a while now. As for Marty, I was in constant contact with Marty since the creation of this web-site. I sent him weekly up-dates about this site, and in exchange he slipped me info about the show. I have recently spoken with Marty. He is very well, and is currently in England working on a brand new show, called Exploitica! As for Jimmy, he is the only amigo I have not communicated with. So poor Jimmy is listed as MIA.

(Q) Why did RWC have such a crummy time slot?
(A) Well, according to past issues of the Official RWC NewsLetter, (It was called the GrindHouse A-Go-Go) The reason for the late time slot is because USA felt that RWC got a little to racy in it's second season, so into late night it went. Yet another dumb decision by U$A Network.

(Q) Can other Networks make new RWC episodes?
(A) Nope. I am afraid that the USA Network has the rights to air RWC until the year 2001. This means that unless USA decides to nix this contract, or to syndicate the show, you will not see new RWC unless USA makes it.

(Q) Is USA afraid of RWC?
(A) To put it bluntly, yes. Ever since the second season of RWC began, USA has been afraid of RWC's attitude toward their movies. They (USA) feel that RWC got a little too racy in its second season, that's why they only air it late at night. According to secret sources, The Three Amigos did not want to change or censor the show one bit. This free attitude toward movies made it hard for USA to rate to show. When the new TV rating system kicked in last year, USA got nervous because They did not know how to rate certain episodes. This made them fear RWC. USA is afraid of RWC, especially the "Nudies Cuties" episode. According to sources at SWV, "USA was afraid of the way RWC did not try to cut out the nudity or violence. Marty, Mike, and Jimmy did not want to censor out any of that stuff. Those parts (the nudity and violence) is what made those movies so great. They left in the parts, and that's the way it should be dammit!"

(Q) I sent a letter to the USA Network, why have they not answered?
(A) The USA Network E-mail System has to be the worst in the world. I to have not received one response to the many e-mails I have sent to them. I can only guess that they are either ignoring us or are just scared of us.

(Q) Is it true that SWV is losing 50% of it's inventory?
(A) Yes. SWV is going to cut much of the Triple X features that they offer. These movies are just not selling well, and SWV needs to make room for more selections. According to Deep Throat, The Hard-core porn that SWV sells is not selling very well. When they are finally done cutting all the slow selling titles, Deep Throat says more than 200 titles will be gone.
(Q) Is the Reel Wild Cinema T-shirt still available?
(A) Yes, SWV still sells the Reel Wild Cinema T-shirt. Just goto the Something Weird Video web-site and check out the T-shirt section.

(Q) Is it true that Marty Sokol is working on a new TV show?
(A) Yes, Marty Sokol has been working on a new TV show since last June. The show is called Exploitica! and it is much like RWC in nature. They show old B-movies, while info pops up at the bottom of the screen, much like pop-up videos. Marty is currently looking for a network in the U.S that will carry the show. So, as of now, the show only airs in the U.K

(Q) Have you found Jimmy Maslon yet?
(A) Fraid not.

(Q) I just saw Sandra Bernhard on another TV show on Comedy Central! Will she come back and host RWC if we save it?
(A) Currently, Sandra is co-hosting a new TV show on Comedy Central called, "HI-FI PARTY." As I do not get Comedy Central, the only info I can give you about that is to goto the show's web-site However, I have recently sent a letter off to Sandra's manager asking for a answer to this very question. I will keep you posted.

(Q) Are you fighting just to keep the re-runs of RWC on the air?


We are trying to convince the guys over at the USA Network to make more episodes of RWC! We want a third season!

(Q) How come I have seen only re-runs of RWC on USA?
(A) Because, USA officially cancelled RWC back in January of 97! Yet, they still have been showing the re-runs for over two years now! This gives us hope that USA realizes that even re-runs of RWC still bring in the big ratings. Let us just hope that they soon realize that they could get even bigger ratings if they made new episodes!

(Q) Are you in any way connected to the production of RWC?
(A) I wish! No, I am just a big fan of the show who started this crusade to try and keep his favorite TV show on the air.

(Q) Can you help me get Sandra Bernhard's autograph?
(A) You would not believe how many people write to me asking for Sandra's autograph. Alas, I can not deliver on such a request. However, I can point you in the right direction. You can send your autograph requests to Sandra's management. Here's the address:
Noe-Man Management
26500 West Agoura Road, Suite 575
Calabasas, CA 91302-1952