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Welcome to the Hatchling's Room

Last updated January 4, 1999.

This is Kirsten's page. She's 3 now.

Please give page a while to upload. There are a lot of graphics!

You can also see the list of Kirsten's Hatchling Award winners on the page where you apply for the award.

Welcome to Kirsten's Garden:

*Watch Kirsten's Garden grow. Come back soon to see My Mommy and Me, My Page of Firsts, and more!

Guess what?!! I'm going to have a new brother or sister on May 1st!!! Visit The Incubator to find out more!

Thanks for visiting!

Please come again soon and see more pictures of Kirsten! Please sign the guestbook before you go!

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This is Kirsten's first Easter picture. She was 3 months old.

Visitors since new counter was installed on 12-17-98.

Some places Kirsten likes to visit:

Disney's Official Website
About the Teletubbies
Back to Mommy's Page
