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Welcome to Hell (Our web page)

Hey. Welcome to Hell. Population 2.

This is our page. Our name's are Shannon and Heather, or Heather and Shannon, if you want. We're ameteurs! If our page sux, send all supressed nastiness to Look around, and don't touch the spam. We're very protective of it. Of course, it is not here right now (It went to the bathroom, and it never came back), but I know what you were thinking. You WANTED to touch it! Don't deny your feelings! Fess up!

Ok, breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out....We would like to say hi to all of our friends....Liz, Carolyn, Heather, Jill, Becky, Lexie, Kelley, Jossi, Emily, Brian, Liz, Liz, Justin, Billy, Crystal, Shannon, Ryan, Dan, and lotsa other people!! Thanx for visting our page. And go visit the advice column, Dr.Not is feeling lonely. Oh yeah, and sign the guestbook that I dont have! HA!!!

Stoopid Quotes

Some pretty 'spam' good links...

Topic of the Day (or week, or year)
Nothing- what a beautiful thing
To read a story about everything, click here
Click on this! Really! Click on it!
Ask'll brighten your day right up
Top 10 reasons you're headed to the poor house...
The Questions of Life
You know you're stressed on your birthday, when...
Take a test, see how laugh-resistant you are
