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What It's Like To Live In Hell

Well,here it is.What it's like to live in hell.No big woop.But you may have been wondering a few things like what I do,what I eat,what I wear,how I listen to my cds,etc.I've realized you may be somewhat confused.That's what this page is for.Here's the FAQ on how it is in hell.
I saw your CD list, but how do you listen to these CDs in Hell?
Where do you get your CDs?
Why is your name Natalie?
You said earlier that you were lactose intolerent. How is that so...?
Why are you Satan's best friend?
How do you have time to do this kind of stuff on the internet?
What is it basically like in Hell so I'll be ready?
What do you wear?
What do you eat?
Do you have hair?
What does your hair look like?
Why can't you show a picture of yourself?
How come /la is used in your URL?

*I saw your CD list,but how do you listen to these CDs in hell? Wouldn't they just burn?
Good question.Satan isn't as bad as everyone thinks he is.You may find this hard to beleive,but he made the cd player way before I came.Yes that's right,he made it with some old metal and burned the metal into place.I'm not sure exactly how,but he's very smart.

*Where do you get your cds?
No idea.Lucifer got them for me.

*Why is your name Natalie?
Hmmm.That's one I've been trying to figure out for years.Well,I can't remember what my old name was so Satan gave me a new one.It means Christmas so I figure that it's likes Satan's backfire against Christianity. I don't know.

*You said earlier that you were lactose intolerent. How is that so if you don't have any milk or dairy products?
I used to be lactose intolerent in my past life. I miss my old body sometimes.

*Why are you Satan's best friend in hell?
I guess I just get on his good side. I don't whine about how hot it is, I don't beg for mercy, and I don't complain.I help govern this place. It can be fun sometimes.

*How do you have time to do this kind of stuff on the internet?
I usually do it on Mondays,since thats my day off.I also have spare time to do it around 21:00.That's about 7 or 8 pm in your time.

*What is it basically like in hell so I'll be ready?
OK heres another good one.I like you.If you're a regular (which you will be unless Lucifer disposes of your soul),you will be chained up and be made to sit there without being able to talk or anything for most of the day.You will be chained up to other people.If you talk you will be hit on the head with a 1000 pound weight.This is not fun.The rest of the day,you will be made to eat waste from humans.This also isn't fun. Where do you think that the crap goes when it decomposes? Space?

*What do you wear?
A brown uniform like everyone else. Surprised? Don't be.

*What do you eat?
Well,I'm spared from the human waste.I don't want to discuss the food subject.It's too painful.

*Do you have hair?
Yes I do,but not the regulars.The fire burns off their hair before it grows that much.

*What does your hair look like?
Your getting kind of personal! Well,it's kinda weird.It was died red,then my roots started showing and I highlighted it blonde. So its red,blonde,brown,and barely shoulder length. It never changed since I got here.

*You don't sound horribly ugly. Why can't you show a picture of yourself?
That's kinda weird too. If I show a pic of me,the picture will show me as a monsterous horror. But if you see me as a regular person, I'm very normal looking. Mirrors are the same way.

*How come /la (Louisiana) is used in your URL?
Well, I had to pick one state, and Louisiana seemed as close to hell as it gets so...

Well, I hope that answered most of your questions. If you have any more, don't be afraid to email me. Thanks for your time, BYE!!

The Realm Of Satan
