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Things I Hate

Why I Hate Milk

I hate milk because it's nasty. I couldn't be forced to drink that nasty crap. But maybe I don't like it because I'm lactose intolerent. Yep,that's probably the reason. _____________________________________________________
Why I hate Tripod

I hate Tripod because they're confusing. I tried to get a page off of them for my seperate NIN page but no. They screwed things all up because I didn't have a clear understanding of how you make their pages. They should tell their members how to do that kind stuff. _____________________________________________________
Why I Hate Britany Spears, Ricky Martin, Backstreet Boys and all the boy groups who sing all together like a bunch of bitches.

This one needs no explanation. Well, actually it might. OK, no it don't. Unless you're a punk bitch who needs one (you probably like these bands too, huh? ______________________________________________________
Why I Hate People That Can't Spell.

God, if you're gonna make a web page at least spell check it. There hasn't been a page that I've been to that doesn't have at least one mistake. Even Yahoo! has errors. Just check with the Web Site Garage or something. In fact, I hate when people misspell their page so much that if you find a mistake on my page, tell me exactly where it is and I'll send you a dollar. That's right a WHOLE buck. And that's if I think it's worth it. By the way,thanks to all the people who e-mailed me telling me that "believe" was misspelled on the "Why I Hate People..." entry. Sorry about that :) ______________________________________________________
Why I Hate People That Send Me Hate Mail Because Of This Page

This dude that saw my page sent me some e-mail that said, "F*** you Satan", in those exact words. Well,first of all I am NOT Satan. Second of all,doing something like that is what I call DISRESPECT. I mean even Satan's special gatekeeper has respect for people (most people anyway). I don't go around finding people's sites on God and e-mailing them saying "F*** you God". If you don't believe the story above, I will gladly forward the nice little message to you if I still have it. ______________________________________________________
Why I Hate People Who Make Home Pages Without A Real Reason

OK I hate to get rude here and I know a lot of people are gonna get mad and disagree with me, but I can't stand when people make homepages on themselves and about themselves. Like, they'll put:

"Hi I live in Wisconsin and I'm 12.(Ugly school picture here.)I have been to 47 states and I go to (whatever school name is) school.I have 1 dog and 2 cats. My brother is getting married next week. I hate his fiancé. I think she has the cooties."

(Annoying,blinking graphic here that says "Email Me"or "Come Back Soon!".)

(Also,put in some MIDI music that makes the page nauseating. Try "Hotel California" by The Eagles. *shudder*)

I have some bad news to tell the people who have pages like this: NOBODY CARES!!! Nobody cares about where you live, or what you do in your spare time,or who your friends are. If your gonna make a home page,have an actual purpose for it! Take this page,for instance. It tells about me living in hell which,I might add, is different because it shows how hell is going to be like when you get there. My page has activities and things that some people might think are interesting. All WBS pages don't count though, because it's supposed to tell about you. So before you make a page,think about how and if, it's going to interest the public. Or at least some of the public. _____________________________________________________

Why I Hate People Who Wear WWJD Merchandise
Don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna start nagging Christians or anything, but they've overdone the WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) thing. It's turned into a scary trend. Everywhere I look, even from the bottom of my pit in hell, I see those letters on bracelets,shirts,churches,and even caps.Here's my opinion: What Would Jesus Do? He wouldn't wear faggot bracelets and shirts that say WWJD.

The Realm Of Satan