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For What It's Worth, Here's Some Stuff About Me.

Wow, I'm flattered. You actually care. Maybe. So anyway, hm, what do you want to know? Lolita is obviously not my real name. Lolita is the title character in Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita, a book about a pedophile who is in love with a teenage girl. But there's more to it than that. It isn't sick at all, it's not porn or even erotic. It's really sort of sad, and at the same time hilariously cynical. It's one of those books that makes characters in your head and you almost think you've really met them. I know that sounds like I'm some trite book reviewer or something, but that's the way I feel about it.
Though not any kind of a full-fledged witch yet, I do study Wicca. Faery Wicca to be exact. It's the ancient religion of the Irish Celts, before they got all invaded and stuff by those silly Romans. I don't ride a broom or eat little children. If you have one of those misconceptions that Witches are bad and evil and Satanic, please e-mail me so that I can clear this up for you. You may also contact me if you are confused about what this tradition is, of if you just wanna know more about it. I'm always happy to lecture. Hell, you can send me mail just to say hi or tell me I suck. I don't really care.
I really hate the color yellow. It's all bright and happy and it's what people wear when they want to look like they're all bright and happy. When they're really just sort of irritating. And clad in yellow, no less, so it hurts your eyes to look at them. You know, i just realised that one of my lyrics pages has a yellow background. But it's subdued, kind of banana yellow. Jeez, anything to convince myself I'm not a hypocrite. And now that I look at this text, it doesn't look all that bad. I think it just bugs me when people wear yellow.

As much as I hate yellow, I LOOOOOVE Sailor Moon!! This is one of the best shows ever to come out of Japan. And it's incredibly addictive too! Currently, the show comes on the Cartoon Network (just another reason to get cable) after Fox dropped it a couple of years ago. I also think it was on WB for a while.

Here Is Some Damn Good Stuff To Read (well I think so)

okay, standard boring stuff..... i act, i write, i make feeble attempts at art, i'm directing a play in a couple months, i'll be 17 in may, i'm a Civ II junkie, i like playing pool, (with rednecks in murfreesboro, right jenny i mean rat?).

i live in the rank hellhole known as Nashville (Music city my left nut)

i go to Hume-Fogg Academic which is one of those smart-people magnet schools and it rocks....

I like going to shows when i can, i spend too much time and money in coffee shops.......

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