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Hey everyone! Welcome to my HALL O' Friends!!!!!

These are a few of my wonderful friends. They are in no particular order (except for the first one)!!!

Cody: Hey cupycake! You're so wonderful to me! With all the girls after you I don't know why you stick with me but I'm so glad you do! I love you sooooo much and I hope we stay together forever!

Jared: Hi! You and I used to be so close but now you never listen to me or take advice from me anymore! I guess you really don't care about our friendship so why should I? And I think you're making a BIG mistake!

Damien: Hey you! You're the SWEETEST guy! You're always there to listen to my problems and even though we joke around a lot I know you love me to death! (who duzn't???) I hope we stay tight forever!

Jayme: Hey! I just met you but already I can tell that we'll be really close! You're such a kool and sweet guy! I just love talking to you on the puta! Hopefully I'll meet you one day!

Roger: Hey! You are the greatest! You're always there and although you haven't had much luck with girls in the past I think that you will find someone just right for you! You can call me anytime with your problems! Oh, and next time you like me TELL ME!!!! =) lol

Grant: Hi! I have no idea why but you turn your life upside-down to be sweet to me! You don't know how much I appreciate all of your compliments! You are one of the sweetest guys in the world!

Tysman: Hey Ty! You're one of my favorite cuzins! You're the seventh graders "luva boy" and you're such a sweetheart! I want you to know I'll be here for you through everything! Stay kool!

Charles (PJ): Hey PJ! You're so kool! I love hangin out with you! You're so sweet! I wish you would have hooked up with Kristen cuz y'all would be adorable together, but I guess you didn't think so! I'm glad we're kool!

Ryan: Hey Ryan! My family loves you! You have fun swimming parties! Next time we'll have a blast!

Andrew: Hey Andrew! You're the only sane person (other than me) in health class. You're really kewl and sweet!

Boogie: Hey Boogie! You are the coolest guy in the universe! I love u to death! I'm so glad Cody introduced us! You're always there to give me a good smile! I think you should stop being a playa cuz I know a nice girl that would deserve u if u didn't go out with EVERYONE!

Jason M.: Hi! We've had some wonderful times together and I hope we remain friends forever and if you ever try to hurt Cody I'll personally kill you.

Jason T.: Hey u! You are the sweetest of all of my internet buddies. I really hope we meet one day! You are so crazy and fun! I'm so glad I always have you there to talk to when I need a good friend!

Jhy: Hey! We don't talk much but you're still kool! I can't wait until one day when I'm your sister-in-law (hopefully!!!!!)

Kevin: Hey! You are so sweet and funny! You deserve a good girlfriend cuz you are so adorable (for a little kid)!!! I love ya like a little bro! Call me sometime!

T-Jace: Hi-ya! You are the cutest little thing! I love you just like a brother! I hope that you stay sweet and cute alwayz!

Elise: Hey gal! We just met, but I think that you are the sweetest girl! You are already one of my closer friends! I feel like I can trust you and you're sooooo shy but I'll get u outta that habit!!!! =)

Grace: Hey kiddo! You are the cutest little thing! I just are so sweet and funny and nice! You are a wonderful cheerleader, but you need to stop thinkin about other things and realize how sweet other people are if ya know what I mean!

Rachelle: Hey nutty! You are my NUTTIEST friend! You're so hyper and cute and crazy! I hope you follow your heart with the problems you have now and just do what you think is right. I'll be here for you through everything! L.Y.L.A.S!!!

Tara: Hey Tara baby! Hehehehehe...I'm so glad that you and I are still friends. You really are sweet and still probably my best friend! We do so much together and I cherish all the time we spend together! You're the friend I've known the longest (since baptism) and we're still friends! Can you believe it??? lol

Kristen: Hey Krissy! You are such a nut! I luv u soooo much! You're so cool and sweet! I hope we stay close forever (even though you are ABNORMAL)! For a while you were the only person I could trust and I appreciate everything you've done for me!

Kristin: BAY WINDOW (inside joke!) !!! Hey u! You are the funniest of all of my friends! You can make me laugh so hard! We've had the best times together and we've done some pretty nutty things, but I know that you have a serious side and I can trust you with anything! You're so sweet! I just luv u like a sis!

Celina: Hey Celina! You are a sweetie! You are so funny when you act like Craig from the Spartan cheerleaders! You really are the life of everyone's parties!!!! PARTY!

Megan: Happy Bar Mitzvah! LOL Hey hun! You are so sweet and I just love you to death. You can take a joke so easily and I love that about you! We fight a lot, but we'll stop being so immature one day and realize how close we've actually become through all of this!

Lauren: Hey Lauren! I'm so glad we met. You are totally NOT a snob and whoever said that is just jealous! You are one of the sweetest people I ever met! Good luck with Jacques!

Meg: Hey gurl! You are so sweet and adorable! I'm so glad I met you! You're the sweetest little thing! I just luv u like a sis! And you take care of my boy Ko at school!

Michelle: Hey chick! You're just like Meg except shorter! Oh I just luv u like a sis too! I love talking to you! Oh, and I LOVE how you tie your shoes!!

Tiff L: Hey! You are just like the big sister I never had! You're always there for me when I need some advice! I wish you the best of luck w/ my future brother-in-law!!!!!

Christie: Hey-a! You are so sweet and crazy! You are so fun to be around except when I guard you for speedball and you jump on my back!!!! Best of luck with "YOU KNOW WHO"!!!!

I'll add more later on...I'm just gettin tired of this!!!! =) Email Me At!