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You Can ESCAPE!!! You Can ESCAPE!!
NOTE: This page was updated on 09/11/99.

Escaping abuse is a reality. I am living proof.

In March, 1996, I fled an extremely abusive marriage. I built myself up
and started over. I understand the importance of a support system.

I developed this site to assist and support other battered women. You
may email me at the link below. Place "Private" in the subject line if
you do not want your annonymous question/comment discussed here. I will
answer all letters. I will not judge or preach or tell you what to do.
Believe me, I know how it feels to have someone do all these things to
me. I will offer support, encouragement, and advice if you ask. Most
of all...I will be your friend.


Personal Progress!
I started college here in Montana on August 31. I am majoring in Philosophy and Psychology. It has been so exciting! Marc and the kids have been so supportive and loving. Marc is so proud of me he just tells everyone! He brags about me to anyone who will sit still long enough to listen. It's pretty nice, you know?

You MUST visit here!
Save My Children
I finally got into court on August 3, 1999 and brought my children HOME! They are here with me in Montana! Marc and I have been so happy! Thank you for all your support.

About the Authoress

Survivor Poetry and Writings

Survivor Letters


Personal Pages of Survivors

My Favorite Links

The Comfort Zone

Personal Sites of Survivors

S. Progress's Recovery and Abuse Prevention Site
The Prayer Room
A Place of Peace
Spirit Healer


Post Your Deadbeat Dads Here!
Warning Signs of Domestic Abuse
Exceptional source of information of potential batterers, victims, Personal Safety Plan, checklists, Rate Your Risk, etc.

Domestic Violence Hotlines & Resources

Battered Women's Support Services

Massachusetts Coalition for Battered Women's Service Groups

Battered Women's Alternatives Homepage

Child Abuse Brochure
What to do when you suspect a child is neglected or abused.

Fact Sheet on Family Violence
70% of men who batter women also batter their children...

Child Support Reform Network
Child Support Reform Network is devoted to the fair and equitable treatment of ALL family members.

Caring Unlimited

Survivor Poetry and Writings

Black Sheep - Stephanie's Story

A Trust Betrayed - The Morning After...

Survivor Poetry

A Happy Ending - Dreams Do Come True!


Please visit this page and sign the Petition.
There is a man in Baton Rouge, Louisiana who is using his 8 year old son's social security number to incur over $30,000 in bad credit. The story is unbelievable, you can get all the details at the website. I have been told repeatedly by government agencies, social security and law enforcement that this "happens all the time" and that it is "more trouble than it is worth" and they let it go. I think these guys should be brought to justice. Please help me make him account for his actions. You can help put an abuser in his place! Please help!

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