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Ike's Extra!

Ike on Love!

"I've never really been in love yet, but I can't wait for it to happen. It must be an incredible feeling. I'm looking forward to it already! I think romance is a great feeling. You can be romantic without been in love with a girl. I must admit that I am an absolute hopeless romantic, even though my brothers wind me up and tease me when I'm in one of my romantic phases. I don't think there's anything better than a fantastic poem, or just a romantic atmosphere. I think music is super romantic too."
Ike on Girls!

"She must be extremely cool, of course, and like having lots of fun. I don't care what she looks like actually, but she must have plenty of personality. She should be the sort of girl who you turn around to look at when she comes into the room!"
Ike's Horoscope!

Scorpios are stubborn, determined, intense, reliable and unmoving. Their tendency is to hold on to what they have and resist change. Scorpios are also sensitive, kind, protective, artistic, caring, supportive, over emotional, controlling, addictive, untidy, dreamy, and destructive!
Ike's Chinese Horoscope!

Ike was born in 1980 which makes hima Monkey! Monkeys are intelligent and have a very clever wit, always well liked by others, and have a distrustful side. If they don't get their own way they can react in an immature fashion and be quite persuasive until they get want they want!

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