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WELCOME to the HEVIA Family Homepage...dedicated to researching the Hevia surname and assisting other who are also researching this name. The Hevia name originate in a region of Spain called Asturias. Located on the northen coast of Spain, this region is known for it's beautiful mountains, and lovely beaches. Asturias contains a wealth of geneolical information, all one has to do is go to the capitol city of Oviedo, head to the cathedral and search the archives. I would be all to happy to assist anyone who is researching an Asturian surname as I go to the area often and have never come back empty handed. This page is still under construction, but as soon as I can, I'll include the information that I have found on the Hevia name....so far dated back to 1670.

My Favorite Links

National Tourist Office of Spain
Geneology Information

Email: dahevia@hotmail.com