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Episode Guide: up to and including season 5

Click to go to the season you want [Season 1] [Season 2] [Season 3] [Season 4] [Season 5]

Season 1

  No. Episode Airdate Series No.
1 Emissary 02/01/93 1.0
2 Past Prologue 09/01/93 1.1
3 A Man Alon 16/01/93 1.1
4 Babel 23/01/93 1.2
5 Captive Pursuit 30/01/93 1.2
6 Q-Less 06/02/93 1.3
7 Dax 13/02/93 1.3
8 The Passenger 20/02/93 1.4
9 Move Along Home 13/03/93 1.4
10 The Nagus 20/03/93 1.5
11 Vortex 17/04/93 1.5
12 Battle Lines 24/04/93 1.6
13 The Storyteller 01/05/93 1.6
14 Progress 08/05/93 1.7
15 If Wishes Were Horses 15/05/93 1.7
16 The Forsaken 22/05/93 1.8
17 Dramatis Personae 29/05/93 1.8
18 Duet 12/06/93 1.9
19 In the Hands of the Prophets 19/06/93 1.9

Season 2

  No. Episode Airdate Series No.
20 The Homecoming 25/09/93 2.1
21 The Circle 02/10/93 2.1
22 The Siege 09/1093 2.2
23 Invasive Procedures 16/10/93 2.2
24 Cardassians 23/10/93 2.3
25 Melora 30/10/93 2.3
26 Rules of Acquisition 06/11/93 2.4
27 Necessary Evil 13/11/93 2.4
28 Second Sight 27/11/93 2.5
29 Rivals 01/01/94 2.5
30 The Alternate 08/01/94 2.6
31 Armageddon 29/01/94 2.6
32 Whispers 05/02/94 2.7
33 Paradise 12/02/94 2.7
34 Shadowplay 19/02/94 2.8
35 Playing God 26/02/94 2.8
36 Profit and Loss 19/03/94 2.9
37 Blood Oath 26/03/94 2.9
38 The Marquis Part II 23/04/94 2.9
39 The Marquis Part II 30/04/94 2.10
40 The Wire 07/05/94 2.11
41 Crossover 14/05/94 2.11
  41 The Collaborator 21/05/94 2.11
  41 Tribunal 11/06/94 2.11
  41 The Jem'Hadar 18/06/94 2.11

Season 3

  No. Episode Airdate Series No.
36 The Search Part I 24/09/94 3.1
42 The Search Part II 01/10/94 3.1
43 The House of Quark 08/10/94 3.2
44 Equilibrium 15/10/94 3.2
45 Second Skin 22/10/94 3.3
46 The Abondand 29/10/94 3.3
47 Civil Defence 07/11/94 3.4
48 Meridian 14/11/94 3.4
49 Defiant 21/11/94 3.5
50 Fascination 28/11/94 3.5
51 Past Tense, Part I 31/12/94 3.6
52 Past Tense, Part II 07/01/95 3.6
53 Life Support 28/01/95 3.7
54 Heart of Stone 04/02/95 3.7
55 Destiny 11/02/95 3.8
56 Prophet Motive 18/02/95 3.8
57 Visionary 25/02/95 3.9
58 Distant Voices 08/04/95 3.9
59 Through the Looking Glass 15/04/95 3.10
60 Improbable Cause 22/04/95 3.10
61 The Die Is Cast 29/04/95 3.11
62 Explorers 06/05/95 3.11
63 Family Business 13/05/95 3.12
64 Shakaar 20/05/95 3.12
65 Facets 10/06/95 3.13
66 The Adversary 17/06/95 3.13

Season 4

  No. Episode Airdate Series No.
66 Way of the Warrior 30/09/95 4.1
67 The Visitor 07/10/95 4.1
68 Hippocratic Oath 14/10/95 4.2
69 Indescretion 21/10/95 4.2
70 Rejoined 28/10/95 4.3
71 Little Green Men 04/11/95 4.3
72 Starship Down 11/11/95 4.4
73 The Sword of Kahless 18/11/95 4.4
74 Our Man Bashir 25/11/95 4.5
75 Homefront 30/12/95 4.5
76 Paradise Lost 06/01/96 4.6
77 Crossfire 27/01/96 4.6
78 Return to Grace 03/02/96 4.7
79 The Sons of Mogh 10/02/96 4.7
80 The Bar Association 17/02/96 4.8
81 Accession 24/02/96 4.8
82 Rules of Engagement 06/04/96 4.9
83 Hard Time 13/04/96 4.9
84 Shattered Mirrow 20/04/96 4.10
85 The Muse 27/04/96 4.10
86 For the Cause 04/05/96 4.11
87 To The Death 11/05/96 4.11
88 The Quickening 18/05/96 4.12
89 Body Parts 08/06/96 4.12
90 Broken Link ??/??/?? 4.13

Season 5

  No. Episode Airdate Series No.
