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Sarah Michelle Gellar

Hi! This is my Buffy the Vampire Slayer homepage. As you all probably know Buffy Summers is the vampire slayer of the world. She lives in Sunnydale with her Mom where her chosen 'Watcher', Giles ( the school librarian),lives. Her friends are Willow and Xander and her love interest is Angel who also happens to be a vampire, worse luck for Buffy. Sarah Michelle Gellar, who plays Buffy in the show, also starred in Scream 2 and I Know What You Did Last Summer.

Anyway this page is under major construstion so why don't you visit my original homepage by pressing here. Come back another time.Bye!!! Also if you have your own Buffy Page why not join the Buffy Webring!

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Buffy Links

THe Official Buffy Page: THE BEST!!!
The Buffy Lair
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
