
...20-INCH LIVIN'...

Four score and 8 billion years ago....your caveman ancestors invented the round wheel. Some time later, an unknown gentleman decided that things worked better in pairs, so he set about with a collection of haphazard schematics and HARK!, the bicycle was invented. From this point on in history, the citizens of the Earth used this contraption (shortened to "bike") for a number of noble and progressive reasons. Well, around the early 1980s, a few knuckleheads in California decided they would test the laws of physics..and thus they began to contort themselves and their bikes in various ways that contradicted the laws of Newton and a handful of other famous scientists. This phenomenon soon spread from the West Coast, which we all know is famous for trends, throughout the rest of North America. Suddenly, parents across this nation began to consult with professional exorcists in order to cast out the demons who had now taken possession of their kid's bodies and caused them to do grev ious harm upon themselves while physically assaulting their bikes. It is rumored that early antagonists place the blame on a quasi-secret organization that has yet to be infiltrated but is legend by its own making..the CHURCH OF FREESTYLE!! While little was known about this psuedo-religious sect of apparent fanatics, government agents and watchdog groups reported that at the Church's secret gatherings, all prospective members are branded with the ominious "4130". The Vatican has recently released a statement indicating that all persons who have this mark upon their body are to be avoided at all costs and reported to the local clergy. New developments, however, have sent the public into an unheard of panic. It seems that the Church, like the U.S. Government, is divided into branches! Oh no! This is suddenly beginning to appear very much like a scenario out of Orwell's 1984!!


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Special thanks to Jason "Ol' School" Davis for not calling the Internet Police on us for swiping the 2 Chase G. pics off of his site
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All rights reserved (supposedly)

The One Life Crew
P.O. Box 1894
Southeastern Louisiana University
Hammond, LA 70401