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Ghosts Stories

There are two things this page sents out to do, answer questions and misbeliefs about ghost in my eye & why I call myself a ghost. Now you can argue with all day long on this and I'll not budge a bit on my beliefs. Go ahead and try if you doubt me. ;->

#1 Now some people tend to ask what is a Ghost??

Well the first answer to this question is a spirit of a dead person or soul supposed to haunt or appear to the living. Or it could be a slight trace of vestige. Now vestige is a visible trace, evidence, or sign of something that no longer exists or appears has been there.

Now the second answer could be many a things. I know of a group from a city which will remain nameless that has an assassin's guild that calls themselves Ghosts, they're among the deadliest assassins in the world, so rumor holds.

#2 Now the most common arguement and second question is do ghosts actually exist??

Now for some that've not run acrossed them the answer would be no, for them I say get out and do something with your life. I'll answer this question simply yes there are souls that wonder this earth spiritually, I've seen many in my life and I'll tell you some of the stories, but yeah they've scared me but that was when I knew little and feared everything, now even what I don't know doesn't scare me at all, I lack the fear that most people have in life. To some that makes me inhuman to others that makes me something to envey, all really depends on where you want to stand on which you choose.

Now how many ghost has this soul run acrossed in his life??

The answer is: To many for me to count. Now to tell you things that should scare you away from entering the town I live at night, let me start of by saying it's not the town that I've seen most of these quiet interesting souls in but an island near the town itself. See I live in a little town on the southeastern coast of South Carolina called Beaufort, the town itself is on a barrier island like alot of the islands and towns in the area. The one where all the ghosts and crazy shit happens is an island call St. Helena, it's a gorgeous place during the day but there are places on it that you just don't want to be by night. Somethings include drug deals where if you aren't known you have a bullseye painted on your forhead or there's the good old Voodoo Shamans that hang around the place and then there are all the ghosts. Now there are a few places on this island that I run acrossed ghosts alot of the time, among my favorite hangout is the old civil war fort, Fort Fredmont, it's a lovely placed haunted by sentries and hounds of somekind or another. Let's just say this if you go there and you don't know my friend don't get out of you car, and if you see a Jamacan man about 6'2", 220, built like a Mack Truck don't and I repeat don't piss him off, it's not a good idea, not at all. Now it's funny because this man is a friend of mine but if you say the wrong thing to him he'll scare you shitless see he unoffically owns the land around the fort and eventually the the supposed "real land owners" and myself will have a small discussion about who the land should belong to, because they feel that since it's getting vandilized all the time, but not that much anymore since even my friend has gotten fedup with people spray painting shit, that it should be off limits to everybody, including myself and my friend well the cops can tell me what they want to, just as long as my friend is there with me I'll simply tell them to make him leave first, and keep my distance when the bullets start going through him. Well around this civil war fort you can watch the sentries march back and forth on a good night and if you yell at them they might stare at you, at least they do that to me. Shit I've had them lower their guns and try to stab me before. Only for them to come up short of me and vanish mysteriously only to appear right from where they originally started charging from. It's strange at times but they never seem to bother me much. My friend tells me that for some strange reason the ghost feel a kinship towards me, but back in the days I was a person you could tell ghost story to after ghost story but I'd say yeah right or they don't exist. Oh boy did I set myself up one Halloween night, my friend Jacob and myself decided to go onto good old St. Helena and go to his property, and trust me it doesn't matter where this boy goes if he lives there it'll end up haunted, you could stick him in an exorcists house and it'd end up haunted. Well anyway we went trucking through his property on foot when he starts mummbling, "MMMMMMMMike yyyyyou jjjust wwwwalked ttthrough a gggggghost", I told him to hush all his damn noise turned around and looked dead center through a ghost. I then preceeded to freak the fuck out, I did a 360 and ran through the woods faster the Carl Lewis ever could have with nothing infront of him. Shit I must have set the land speed record as fast as I was going. Jacobs only saving grace from getting left on his own property was the simple fact that he left the window down on the passenger side of my van, he had to dive in because by that time I had done leaped over the hood, got in the van started it and was already starting down the road. Ontop of all that he decided since I already believed in ghosts to let me go ahead and find out about Voodoo the same night oh gee wasn't that a blast. So nice of him I stilll want to strangle him for it sort of. Now can you just image what somebody would say if you told them that you were a Voodoo Shaman, this was your place and that you had to leave?? Like me you'd probably laugh right?? Well I did and just for my troubles the Voodoo Shaman, my now friend asked, "What white mon you not be believing in Voodoo", of course I told him hell no, "who do voodoo we do voodoo", just to taunt, that's when he got mad and shit got crazy. All the sudden he throws his hands out and points to my feet and they spring to fire. I'm running around in circles stomping my feet trying to put them out, I then run behind the fort onto the beach and jump in the river. Well when I jumped back out my feet were on fire still but after the third attemtp to put them out I noticed something that I didn't before. I wasn't actually getting burnt and nothing really was that was on me. Well I got pissed, stormed back to where this Voodoo Shamn was, I grabbed a stick and told him if he didn't put my feet out right then and there he wasn't going to be liking life the next day. He his ass off laughs and does, that was when he said that I was the first person that ever in his life first meant him and didn't run off. That and I was the only person brave enough to ever threaten him. He told me that if I ever wanted to walk around his home or talk to him to feel free to drop by, oh boy what a mistake he made by doing that because I tend to annoy him a lot but it's not really annoying I think, because everytime I go there we sit and talk hours on end until I tell him that I need to leave. Sometimes he tells me about the ghosts sometimes it's other things but we always find something to either think on or argue about. That's probably one of the reasons we're so close as friends, it takes a smart person to get along with another smart person and as it goes there is nothing more fun to me then a good fight over stupid shit. ~~L~~

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