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I've tried and tried to push YOU away
not understanding YOU are to thank for this very day.
The air I breathe, the body I use
given by YOU, taken when YOU choose.
As I close my eyes and think of YOU
I'm reminded of the favors, those things YOU do.
When I feel all alone and am left in dispair
YOU give me a touch to show YOU are there.
As I walk step by step down the road YOU have shown me
YOU put YOUR hand in mine and I don't feel so lonely.
The times that we spend in my secret place
down on my knees, floor to my face.
I can express to some and others just know
how I'm so filled up, deep within my soul.
When I feel YOUR spirit, ever present hand
I am comforted though alone a a distant land.
At times when I feel no one knows me
YOU send a hello that always shows me
YOU never leave, YOU'RE always around
I have just to call YOU and YOU'LL come down.
YOUR miracles many, YOUR losses few
Thank YOU Lord for bringin me to YOU.

by: LaTamara Mayberry