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Your chest rises slowly, your breaths long and deep
I sit quietly and watch you soundly in sleep
I long to touch you to be in your arms
but I wouldn't dare wake you from sleeps lil charms
So innocent, peaceful to watch as you lay
the sounds that you make express your hard workin day
Your eyelids flutter, but do not wake you
with your look of peace how can I hate you
Are you dreaming of me, I hope that you are
as I sit in my chair and watch from afar
The times that we've talked about our new life
but one thing stands in our way, oh yes, your wife
These stolen vacations with just you and I
grow farther and farther as the days pass by
Too many times you said that you'd leave
I wait at the corner wiping tears on my sleeve
As the sun slowly drops and the moon sheds it's light
I realize once again, I'm alone for the night
My friends say you're not worthy of having my love
though it hurts deep inside, I brush it off with a shrug
I wish for your comfort and that one day you'll stay
but for now it's a wish I pray will come true one day