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Dream A Little Dream

You started out a dream, a vision in my head
Then became reality,POSITIVE, the test said
A feeling so incredible, I wish that I could share
The life that grows inside of me, so wonderful I can't bare
The thought of us parting, you slipping from the womb
Then all of our "special" time, will be shared throughout the room
I lay my hand upon a foot, an elbow, bended knee
And marvel at the life inside, a life created by me
So many times I turn and toss, trying to fall sleep
And eventually I dream of you, a vision oh so sweet
A healthy bundle full of joy, a smile that melts my heart
So many dreams I have for you and this is where they start
Inside of me, I feel you grow, I notice every ache
But would never feel at all if this chance I didn't take
I pray for you, I speak to you, as if you're already here
Knowing that it all will end, so "our" time, I hold it dear
The end of the year I plan and wait for our special day
Surprise or not, my sugar plum, I'm glad you're on your way.

2001 !

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Webpages of December 2001 Babies!

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