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Cant take it anymore...what do you do?

Thank God

In times of crisis in God just believe,
all your prayers he'll answer your goals achieved.
Trust in him with all your heart,
for he brought you this far for a brand new start.
The Lord giveth and he taketh away...
so acknowledge him each and every day.
When the future seems dim as it sometimes can...
take peace in knowing you're in the hands of "the" man.
When you think you wont or cant pass the test...
remember you were put here by God, thank him, you're blessed!
To look back on life with total regret,
is a trick of the mind you must soon forget.
For the Lord is merciful, all your sins he forgave...
he's blessed you in life to live til this day.
To set an example, is all that he asks...
put him first and he'll direct your path.
Whatever happens, whatever you do...
acknowledge him, he makes dreams come true.
When trials come and there seems no end...
call on the Lord, he'll be your best friend.
When the weight on your shoulders seems to heavy to stand...
remember who you are, a strong black man.
With God in your life and that special someone beside you...
nothing can stop that fire inside you.
So enjoy this short life and all that it brings...
look to the future, it's filled with new things!
