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Christopher Atkins Dedication Page

I just updated today. I added a new articles section, a new TV-Schedule page, and a new pics page with pics from Chris' movies. There are tons of pics from Chris' recent movie Project ShadowChaser 3000 on the movies pic page. Enjoy!!!!:)

Hi! My name is Brooke. I am like the biggest Christopher Atkins fan. He has been a favorite of mine for over a year. So, I decided to dedicate a website on this talented, and great looking actor. I think that Chris deserves more credit, after all, he has appeared in over 25 movies, not to mention being on the hit soap opera "Dallas" for a year. That's why it is hard to believe that this is the only website dedicated to him, that I know of. So, I hope you enjoy this site. Please E-mail me with comments, suggestions, or what-ever. Also, PLEASE sign the guestbook. It would make me and Chris(if he finds this) very happy to know he has many wonderful fans!!!!:) One more thing, I can't get pics on my page cause my browser doesn't suppot it, so I decided to link it to other sites. Sorry about that!!!!:(

Chris Pics.
Page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4 page 5 page 6page 7 page 8 page 9page 10page 11 page 12 page 13NEW PICS
Movie Pics. Page
FilmographyBiographyInteresting FactsArticlesTV-Schedule

Please sign Chris' GuestBook, Leave him a message or tell me what you think of my page!!:)
Sign My GuestbookGuestbook by guestworldView My Guestbook

Last updated November 15th, 1998
Created August 18th, 1998

Would You like to recieve an E-mail when this site is updated? Or just want to tell me what you think of the page, or how I can make it better, then please E-mail me!!!!:) I would really appreciate it! Thanks!!!!:)
