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Welcome Friends

Hey Peoples! Welcome to my home page. Some of you may know me as acb or seahorse. My name is actually Adele. And, to go to with the strange name I have a strange personality! I guess I better tell you something about myself. Well, I am intrested in lots of things. I like Sesame Street, and I am intrested in any theories anyone has on the Disney characters. If you have any quesions on anything feel free to ask them. I will do my best to answer. If not, I will make up one that sounds good. So if you have a question come back and see your answer. Besides being intrested in Disney and Sesame Street, I like Celtic Magick. It is pretty cool. Check out the link below to check it out. I also like all types of music. And I do mean all types!! And I like Southpark, obviously, so check out that site too. So stay tuned for updates on how the move went. Also, when we get settled and everything, he is planning to make a web page on how to go about it and how we handle it. Well, got nothing more to say, but as I said, this page isn't finished yet, so please return for updates and stuff.

This is the best man in the world. I love you baby! Check out his web page (FirePenguin) in the links below.


In answer to cRuZe's question, the reason there is no "just cruzed on in" thingy in my guestbook is because I don't get a chance to pick what they say. I promise to have a word to them though. Hehehe. Well, thanks for asking something cRuZe!!!


"A silent mouth is musical"


Well what can I say? This is a must see!!!!! I love this movie. It is a modern day fairy tale type of movie with a twist. It comes with all fairy tale equipment, the beautiful, but tortured heroine, the evil villan and a host of cute and ugly helpers. This is just as much for adults as it is for kids. Watch out for the blue worm with the English accent. (My favourite!) David Bowie is brilliant in this and Jennifer Conlley is gorgeous (as always). Songs and puppet work are amazing. Definatly another must see (time and time again!)


Ok. This is the fourth installment of the Goddess and God of Celtic religion. This week is Arawn.

Arawn : Wales

Arawn is the King of hell and the ruler of the underworld or the underground kingdom of the dead.

Deitie of Revenge, Terror and War.

These are some pic's from my favourite cartoons. Stay tuned for updates on them


FirePenguin's Page
Powerflo's Page
Gibbo's Page
Arctic's Chat Page
South Park Page
Page of Wicca Links


Thanks for stopping by. Please sign my guestbook and offer any opinions, critisims or ask any questions you may have. And take a look at what some others have written. Come again.

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