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360 Degrees of Knowledge and Wisdom

I come in the attribute of

Sun Ruler Universal

I Self rest in Love Allah. My physical degree is wisdom-understanding.

Peace to all dwelling in the wilderness of North America. This page has been manifested in order to share my wisdom amongst members of my Original Family, as well as gain wisdom. I have been serving Allah's Nation since the year Born-God. Before this time I lived a destroy-power lifestyle. Meaning I was aware of this Science of Life but had not yet seriously sought after it. One experience of mine was at a party one night when this God approached me and greeted me. I hadn't the knowledge of the proper response, to which he added on "oh, you're 85-ing it huh?" which was harsh but true. The only problem I had was when I asked for Knowledge that the brother wasn't trying to teach. So I went on a quest for self-knowledge, which is right and exact for God was Self created. Since studying 120 I have learned

Who the Original Man is

and what his purpose for existing be. PEACE.

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